Faculty programmes: FZS

» List of faculties
Study programme name(Code) Code Level of acquired qualification Form of study Number of ECTS credits Standard length of study Detail
Nursing (B5341) B5341 Bachelor Part-time 180 3 Bachelor, Part-time, 180 credits, 3 years
Specialisation in the Healthcare (P5345) P5345 Doctoral Full-time 180 3 Doctoral, Full-time, 180 credits, 3 years
Nursing (P5341) P5341 Doctoral Part-time 180 3 Doctoral, Part-time, 180 credits, 3 years
Health and Social Care (B5350) B5350 Bachelor Full-time 180 3 Bachelor, Full-time, 180 credits, 3 years
Specialization in Health Care (B5345) B5345 Bachelor Full-time 180 3 Bachelor, Full-time, 180 credits, 3 years
Specialization in Health Care (N5345) N5345 Follow-up study Part-time 120 2 Follow-up study, Part-time, 120 credits, 2 years
Nursing (N5341) N5341 Follow-up study Part-time 120 2 Follow-up study, Part-time, 120 credits, 2 years
Nursing (B5349) B5349 Bachelor Full-time 180 3 Bachelor, Full-time, 180 credits, 3 years
Specialization in Health Care (N5345) N5345 Follow-up study Full-time 120 2 Follow-up study, Full-time, 120 credits, 2 years
Nursing (P5341) P5341 Doctoral Full-time 180 3 Doctoral, Full-time, 180 credits, 3 years
Nursing (N5341) N5341 Follow-up study Full-time 120 2 Follow-up study, Full-time, 120 credits, 2 years
Nursing (B5341) B5341 Bachelor Full-time 180 3 Bachelor, Full-time, 180 credits, 3 years
Specialisation in the Healthcare (P5345) P5345 Doctoral Part-time 180 3 Doctoral, Part-time, 180 credits, 3 years