Sejkorová Marie, doc. Ing. Ph.D.
Šourek David, Ing. Ph.D.
Hurtová Ivana, Ing.
Course content
Basic conception - data, information, knowledge. Information literacy. Environmental information and its importance for the human society. Environmental data sources. Web pages of University of Pardubice, the overview of the available sources. OPAC catalogue. Information sources and its structure. Internet search tools. Databases as an information source. Environmental data, environmental information. Patents databases. Databases of ČSN. Environmental and specialised informational systems for the transport. Environmental indicators. Metadata and metainformational system. knihovnické zpracování dokumentů Environmental information system in the administrative of CR and region self-government. Environmental information system and its monitoring, which are conduct by MŽP CR. Databases of METRO (CDV Brno). International environmental information systems. Environmental education. Information sources citations. ISO 690. Final project elaboration.
Learning activities and teaching methods
Monologic (reading, lecture, briefing), Work with text (with textbook, with book)
Learning outcomes
To give the information about environmental ICT and environmental information systems, focusing on transport application.
Studying of the course student will obtain the overview abut information systems connected to the environment, which are applied in the transport. He has basic knowledge of environmental ICT. He is able to work with electronic information sources and elaborate selected final project.
Assessment methods and criteria
Home assignment evaluation, Student performance assessment
The assignment confirms that, the student of daily form of schooling attended obligatory education properly, that he joined solving of assigned tasks actively, and that he fulfilled requests which are necessary for this assignment confirmation. Conditions for assignment confirmation are determined by tutor. Active participation on all practical lessons, passing end term work in the form of background research on requested topic and successful passing of all tests (running and end term), they are obligated.
Recommended literature
Fiala, Alois. Management jakosti s podporou norem ISO 9000:2000 : základní dílo. Praha: Dashöfer, 2000. ISBN 80-86229-19-X.
Sklenák, Vilém. Data, informace, znalosti a Internet. V Praze: C.H. Beck, 2001. ISBN 80-7179-409-0.
TKAČÍKOVÁ, D. Informační zdroje Internetu: a jak je efektivně využívat. . Praha: Výpočetní centrum ČVUT, 1997.
Vymětal, Jan. Odborná literatura a informace v chemii. Praha: Orac, 2001. ISBN 80-86199-33-9.