Kukla Pavel, Ing. Ph.D.
Musil Michal, Ing. Ph.D.
Culek Bohumil, prof. Ing. CSc.
Course content
Introduction. Division and characteristics measurement quantity. Measuring units and metrology. Processing and interpretation measured quantity. Application modern diagnostic and measuring mode Static and dynamic measurement. Theoretic expectations application of diagnostic measurement in the area transport. Measuring network. Scanners, inverter, amps, measuring instrument and systems - contemporary trend in this area and chances of further development. Accuracy and errors of measuring system. Measurement of diagnostic quantity. Special measuring instrument and method: entry very fast action, wave and boast action. Measurement on traffic means and mobile working machine. Analysis measured data in time and frequency domain. Practical application of diagnostic systems. Improvement modern assets fuzzy-logic and neurall network in the area of diagnostic measurements.
Learning activities and teaching methods
Monologic (reading, lecture, briefing)
Learning outcomes
The main goal of discipline is to familiarise students with modern method and means applied in the area of diagnostic measurements.
Studying the course student acquires survey about diagnostic method and means and their practical application. Can fast tamper with electronic source of information. Is closely with familiarization with diagnostic systems for analyses diagnostic quantity in time and frequency domain , take one's bearings in used method proposal diagnostic system and experimental method.
Knowledge physics, mathematics, information science, electronics
Assessment methods and criteria
Oral examination, Written examination
The assignment confirms that, the student of daily form of schooling attended obligatory education properly, that he joined solving of assigned tasks actively, and that he fulfilled requests which are necessary for this assignment confirmation. Conditions for assignment confirmation are determined by tutor. Condition attendances on exams succeed counsel semestral work creation according to submission at the beginning semester. Exam from this course (form, conclusion, duration) is in conformity with Studying and examining rules of University Pardubice. During final exam student has to prove his understanding of topics mentioned above and to prove ability to solve assigned tasks individually. Particular requests will be past to students in the first part of education by tutor.
Recommended literature
BURGER, I., HUDEC, L.. Elektronické prvky. ALFA Bratislava, 1989.
Haasz, V.; Sedláček, M.:. Elektrická měření. Přístroje a metody.. Praha: ČVUT, 2003.
KEJZLAR, M., SLUNSKÝ, L. Elektronika,. VŽDS Žilina, 1991.
Kocourek, P. Číslicové měřící systémy. Vydavatelství ČVUT, Praha, 1999.
Piňas:. Elektronické prvky, VUT Brno, 1986.
Šemberová, M., Třeštíková, V., Vaníček, F. Elektronické a mikroelektronické součástky. Praha : ČVUT, 1998.
Uhlíř, Chyský:. Mikroelektronika, ČVUT Praha, 1989.