Suchánek Vladimír, Ing. Ph.D.
Lopour Pavel, Ing. Ph.D.
Ševčík Filip, Ing.
Doležel Vladimír, doc. Ing. CSc.
Vnenk Petr, Ing.
Course content
Legal regulations valid for school system. Regulations for creation of bachelor work. Thematically areas for bachelor work. Relation between "Project" and "Bachelor Work". Methodology of creation of bachelor work. Form for creation of tables and graphs. Creation of Appendixes of bachelor work. Bachelor work structure. Presentation of bachelor work. Thematically areas for compulsory subjects of the final state examination. Thematically areas for alternative subjects of the final state examination. Individual presentations of students.
Learning activities and teaching methods
Monologic (reading, lecture, briefing)
Learning outcomes
The aim is to provide students with basic information concerning writting and formal arrangement of bachelor thesis and its defence.
After graduation object knows student principles, which it is necessary adhere at writing bachelor washing, namely how after contained, so formal pages, can struct work and is able to create quotation revolting literature. Prove at the same time prepare a defence bachelor work.
Students are able to create the work in the extent of bachelor work.
Assessment methods and criteria
Home assignment evaluation
Credit bear to, that student take part in requisite amount of obligatory education and that meet the demands, conditional to give a credit . Conditions conferment credit appoint lecturer.
Recommended literature
ČSN ISO 690 - Bibliografické citace : Obsah, forma, struktura..
ČSN ISO 690-2 Informace a dokumentace - Bibliografické citace - Část 2: Elektronicé dokumenty nebo jejich části..
ČSN 01 6910 - Úprava písemností zpracovaných textovými editory (rev. duben 2007). , 2007..
Interní předpisy Univerzity Pardubice..
SYNEK, M. A KOL. Jak psát diplomové a jiné práce..