Course: Finite Element Method II

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Course title Finite Element Method II
Course code KMMCS/MKP2E
Organizational form of instruction Lecture + Lesson
Level of course unspecified
Year of study not specified
Semester Winter and summer
Number of ECTS credits 4
Language of instruction English
Status of course unspecified
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements This is not an internship
Recommended optional programme components None
Course availability The course is available to visiting students
  • Tomek Petr, doc. Ing. Ph.D.
  • Paščenko Petr, prof. Ing. Ph.D.
Course content
Non-linear problems, principal, strategy of numerical solution. Geometrical non-linearity, non-linear stiffness matrix, large displacements, limit load, result evaluation. Stability problems of structures (rod, wall, cylindrical shell), theoretical description, analytical solution, ideal structure, real structure, initial imperfections. Stability numerical analysis of structures, comparison with the analytical solution. Material non-linearity, non-linear stiffness matrix, models of non-linear behavior of materials, limit load, plastic hinges, mechanism, result evaluation. Fully non-linear problems, strength and stability in elastic-plastic area, possible ways of evaluation. Steady state and transient heat problems, heat transfer by conduction, convection and radiation, nonlinear problems in the area of heat transfer, thermal stress. Strength evaluation of the thin-walled shell structures by means of Stress Category method. Fatigue evaluation of computational models. Presentation of some real technical problems, result evaluation of computational models. Contact problems, principal, solution. Excited damped vibration, proportional damping, local dampers, methods of solution. Response computation by normal mode method, stationary state. Response computation by direct integration of differential equations, transient conditions. Technical seismicity, response spectra, response spectra analysis, seismic response of the structures, result evaluation. Course summary.

Learning activities and teaching methods
Learning outcomes
The aim of this course is to introduce students to some sophisticated techniques concerning the Finite Element Method (FEM) presumed for computational analyses of structures. The emphasis is mainly placed on the non-linear statics, stability problems, mechanical vibration and result evaluation according to the existing norms and standards.
On completing the FEM-II course, the student can solve more complicated tasks of the non-linear statics and excited vibration by means of the computer program FEM (COSMOS/M, COSMOSWorks)individually. Based on the achieved results, the student is able to evaluate strength, stability and fatigue of the structures according to existing norms and standards or more precisely according to modern scientific and technical knowledge.
Successful completion of the MKP I course is necessary.

Assessment methods and criteria
Recommended literature
  • Buckling of Steel Shells. European Design Recommendations.
  • BATHE K. J., WILSON E.L. Numerical Methods in Finite Element Analysis.
  • Bushnell D. Computerized buckling analysis of shells.
  • Chang-Koon Choi, Gi Teak Chung. A gap Element for Tree-dimensional Elasto-plastic Contact Problems. Computers & Structures, Vo. 61, No. 6. Pp 1155-1167.
  • ZIENKIEWICZ O. C., Taylor, R. L. The Finite Element Method for Solid and Structural Mechanics.
  • Zienkiewicz,O.C. The Finite Element Method in Engineering Science NY, London,MCGRAW Hill 1971. N.Y.,London,McGraw Hill, 1971.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester