Dušek František, doc. Ing. CSc.
Benedikovič Miroslav, RNDr.
Veselý Petr, Ing.
Bažant Michael, doc. Ing. Ph.D.
Šimerda Karel, Ing.
Jakeš Martin, Ing.
Course content
1. Basic concepts of programming, programming languages, programming paradigms 2. The procedure of programming, introduction to programming 3. The Integrated Development Environments, Basic Java Elements, Java Language Conventions 4. Data Types, Variables, Literals, Constants, Expres-sions, Operators, Statements, Representation of Numbers with Floating Point 5. Operators, Commands, Casting 6. Control Flow Statements 7. Formatted output, classes, objects, arrays, types of errors 8. Classes, objects, methods, passing methods arguments 9. Constructors, method and constructor overloading, static variables and methods 10. Packages, class icons, basic concepts of encapsulation 11. Class diagram, association, inheritance, abstract classes 12. Polymorphism, classes String, StringBuilder and StringBuffer 13. Interfaces, exceptions
Learning activities and teaching methods
Monologic (reading, lecture, briefing), Dialogic (discussion, interview, brainstorming), Demonstration
Learning outcomes
Students learn to analyze basic tasks in the area of programming and then to implement them using Java programming language.
Student will be able to implement a simple algorithms using the Java programming language.
A prerequisite for mastering this course is successful completion of the course "Fundamentals of algorithms - IZALG"
Assessment methods and criteria
Written examination, Didactic test
To get credit it is necessary to be active on lessons and to obtain at least 50 percent during semester . Exam is composed of written test (theoretical and practical test) and also oral dialogue.
Recommended literature
Freeman Steve, Pryce Nat. Growing Object-Oriented Software, Guided by Tests. 2009. ISBN 978-0321503626.
Horton, Ivor. Java 5. Praha: Neocortex, 2005. ISBN 80-86330-12-5.
Hunt John. Guide to the Unified Process Featuring UML, Java and Design Patterns, 2nd edition. 2003. ISBN 978-1852337216.