Dostálová Vlasta, doc. MUDr. Ph.D., MBA
Nykodýmová Linda, Mgr.
Samšeňáková Eva, Mgr.
Kubíčková Ivana, Mgr. DiS.
Course content
Mechanical ventilation, indications, modes of ventilation, weaning from the ventilator, and comprehensive care of the mechanically ventilated patient. Providing comprehensive post-resuscitation care, critical care algorithms. Special features of resuscitation care of patients with a craniocerebral injury. Multiorgan failure, DIC, ARDS - definitions, aetiology, clinical symptoms, and treatment. Brain death, organ donation, and the issue of transplantation. Metabolism and nutrition of critically ill patients, internal environment, and acid-base disturbances. The nursing process in the care of patients with various types of anaesthesia. The nursing process in the care of patients with pain. The nursing process in the care of mechanically ventilated patients. The nursing process in the care of patients in a critical condition.
Learning activities and teaching methods
Monologic (reading, lecture, briefing), Work with text (with textbook, with book), Demonstration, Skills training
Learning outcomes
The aim of the course is to acquire knowledge in the area of anaesthesiology, intensive care, and resuscitation.
The student knows and practically applies, in resuscitation care, the knowledge of the diagnostics, continuous monitoring, and treatment of patients with life-threatening illnesses, injuries, and conditions.
Assessment methods and criteria
Oral examination, Student performance assessment
Completion of compulsory 80% attendance at the practicum sessions and seminars. Successful completion of a written test. Successful completion of an oral examination.
Recommended literature
ADAMUS, M. Základy anesteziologie, intenzivní medicíny a léčby bolesti. 1. vyd. Olomouc: UP Olomouc, 2010.
DOSTÁL, P. a kol. Základy umělé plicní ventilace. 3. vyd. Praha: Maxdorf, 2014.
HANDL, Z. Monitorování pacientů v anesteziologii, resuscitaci a intenzivní péči. 4. vyd. Brno: NCO NZO, 2007.
LARSEN R. a kolektiv. Anestezie. 7. vyd. Praha: Grada Publishing, 2004.
PACHL, J.; ROUBÍK, K. Základy anesteziologie a resuscitační péče dospělých i dětí. 1. vyd. Praha: Karolinum, 2005.
ŠEVČÍK, P. Intenzivní medicína. 3. rozšíř. vydání Praha: Galén-Kompas, 2014.
ZADÁK, Z. Výživa v intenzivní péči. 2. vyd. Praha: Grada Publishing, 2008.