Holubová Marie, Mgr. Ph.D.
Ehler Edvard, doc. MUDr. CSc.
Course content
Basics of neurophysiology. Effect of stimulation techniques on patient's perception in nursing care. Basics of the concept of Basal stimulation and its history. Selected topics in medicine and psychology associated with the implementation of the concept. Autobiographic medical history. Somatic stimulation. Techniques of respiratory support. Vestibular and vibration vibratory stimulation. Optical stimulation Snoezelen stimulation. Auditory and tactile haptic stimulation. Olfactory, oral and orofacial stimulation. Concepts supporting perception of patients suffering from dementia (psycho-biographical model of care, reminiscence, validation therapy, sensory therapy). Kinesthetic mobilization. Practical verification in a selected clinical workplace. Case studies - seminar.
Learning activities and teaching methods
Monologic (reading, lecture, briefing), Work with text (with textbook, with book), Demonstration, Skills training
Learning outcomes
The aim of the subject is to extend the knowledge and skills in the field of basal stimulation, to add new techniques and provide information about other internationally accredited concepts and models used in the Czech Republic.
Students are able to apply techniques of individual elements of the concept of basal stimulation and orofacial stimulation. Students have fundamental knowledge of techniques supporting perception and communication in patients with various diseases, particularly with dementia. Students know options of further training in these concepts
Assessment methods and criteria
Home assignment evaluation, Student performance assessment
Completion of compulsory 80% attendance at the practicum sessions and seminars. Completing assigned written work. Successful completion of a practical examination
Recommended literature
BAUER MIGBACH H. Základy pohybové podpory, Viv-Arte kinestetika modul 1 - 4. Asselfingen, Viv-Arte. 2008.
FILATOVÁ R, JANKŮ K. Snoezelen. 1. vyd. Ostrava, 2010.
FRIEDLOVÁ K. Bazální stimulace pro učitele předmětu ošetřovatelství. 2. vyd. Frýdek-Místek: Institut bazální stimulace, 2009.
FRIEDLOVÁ K. Bazální stimulace v základní ošetřovatelské péči. 1. vyd. Praha: Grada Publishing, 2007.
MORALES C R. Orofaciální regulační terapie-metoda terapie pro oblast úst a obličeje. Praha: Portál, 2006.
ŠPATENKOVÁ N, BOLOMSKÁ B. Reminiscenční terapie. Praha: Galén, 2011. ISBN 978-80-7262-711-0.
WEHNER L, SCHWINGHAMMER Y. Smyslová aktivizace v péči o seniory a klienty s demencí. 1.vyd. Praha: Grada Publishing, 2013.