Information on study programme

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Faculty Faculty of Transport Engineering (DFJ)
Study programme Transport Technology and Communications (B3709)
Branch of study / Specialization Applied Informatics in Transport (1802R021/99 - 2014)
Level of acquired qualification Bachelor
Form of study Full-time
Standard length of study 3 years
Number of ECTS credits 180
Qualification awarded Bachelor (Bc.) (0)
Access to further studies Master study programme  
Type of completion State final examination
Study and Examination Code URL
Faculty coordinator for international students
Dosedělová Nela, Mgr.
Phone: +420466036345
Key learning outcomes The goal of the study is a training of qualified professionals eligible realize and operate information systems and their modules for support of control, information and administration processes. Graduate knows basic preparatory and professional courses on required theoretical level of undergraduate studies. Knowledge is filled in by pointed professional practice. Graduates of branch of study Applied informatics in transport apply acquired theoretical knowledge and practical skill in practice within introduction, exploitation and development of information and communication technologies as in general as namely in all kinds of transportation. The acquired knowledge within bachelor studies also forms prerequisites for continuation in master study programmes of the same or related orientation following-up bachelor studies.
Specific admission requirements unspecified
Specific provisions for recognition of prior learning unspecified
Qualification requirements and regulations unspecified
Profile of the programme academical
Persistence requirements unspecified
Occupational profiles of graduates with examples academical
Branch of study / Specialization guarantor Greiner Karel, doc. Ing. Ph.D.

Segment composition (blocks and Courses within):

Name of segment
1.ročník Bc PS AID
Name of block
Min. credits
Max. ECTS credits
Min. number of courses
Course code Course title credits Completion Time requirements Recommended year of study Recommended semester Course availability
KID/PM1DP Mathematics I 6 Zk+ 3+4+0 1 Winter  
KTS/TVPZS Physical Education - Obligatory 1 Zp 0+2+0 1 Winter  
UAFM/PZF1P Principles of Physics I 3 Zp 2+2+0 1 Winter  
KID/PUITP Introduction to Information Technology 5 Zk+ 2+2+0 1 Winter  
KDMML/PZAEP Grounding of Economics 5 Zk+ 2+2+0 1 Winter  
KDPD/PZDTP Bases of Transport Technologies 5 Zk+ 2+1+0 1 Winter  
KTRD/PZTRP Principles of Transport Technology and C 5 Zk+ 2+2+0 1 Winter  
KID/PX1PP Professional Practice - 1th Part 0 Zp 0+0T+0 1 Summer  
UAFM/PZF2P Principles of Physics II 4 Zk+ 2+2+0 1 Summer  
KTS/TVPLS Physical Education - Obligatory 1 Zp 0+2+0 1 Summer  
KID/PUVPP Introduction to Computers 5 Zk+ 2+2+0 1 Summer  
KID/PM2DP Mathematics II 7 Zk+ 3+4+0 1 Summer  
KID/PGEOP Geometry 4 Zk+ 2+2+0 1 Summer  
KID/PAAPP Algorithm Development and Programming 6 Zk+ 2+3+0 1 Summer  
Name of block
Min. credits
Max. ECTS credits
Min. number of courses
Course code Course title credits Completion Time requirements Recommended year of study Recommended semester Course availability
KID/DPZPP Algorithmic and Programming Practicum 1 Zp 0+2+0 1 -  
KDMML/DAJ1P English Language - A1 2 Zp 0+2+0 1 Winter  
KID/DMS1P Mathematical Seminar I 1 Zp 0S+18+0 1 Winter  
KDMML/DAJ2P English Language - A1+ 2 Zk+ 0+2+0 1 Summer  
KID/DMS2P Mathematical Seminar II 1 Zp 0+2+0 1 Summer  
Name of segment
2.ročník Bc PS AID
Name of block
Min. credits
Max. ECTS credits
Min. number of courses
Course code Course title credits Completion Time requirements Recommended year of study Recommended semester Course availability
KID/PTPSP Theory of Probability and Statistics 3 Zk+ 2+2+0 2 Winter  
KID/PXS1P Computer Networks I 5 Zk+ 2+2+0 2 Winter  
KID/PXTEP Text Editors and Spreadsheet Processors 4 Zk+ 2+2+0 2 Winter  
KID/PXOOP Object-oriented programming 6 Zk+ 2+2+0 2 Winter  
KID/PXJCP Language C 6 Zk+ 2+2+0 2 Winter  
KID/PTEGP Operational Research 2 4 Zk+ 2+2+0 2 Summer  
KID/PXC+P Language C++ 4 Zk+ 2+2+0 2 Summer  
KID/PXOSP Network Operation Systems 4 Zk+ 1+3+0 2 Summer  
KID/PXOPP Professional Practice - 2nd Part 2 Zp 0+0T+0 2 Summer  
KTRD/PXT1P Techniques and Control in railway transp 4 Zk+ 2+2+0 2 Summer  
KID/PXD1P Database and Presentation Systems 4 Zk+ 1+2+0 2 Summer  
KST/PXDSP Data Structures 4 Zk+ 2+2+0 2 Summer  
Name of block
Compulsory option
Min. credits
Max. ECTS credits
Min. number of courses
Course code Course title credits Completion Time requirements Recommended year of study Recommended semester Course availability
KST/AXPGP Computer Graphics 3 Zk+ 2+2+0 2 Winter  
KID/AXGEP Graphics Editors 3 Zk+ 2+2+0 2 Winter  
KTRD/AXLDP Logistic in Transport 3 Zk+ 2+2+0 2 Winter  
KID/AXS2P Computer Networks II 3 Zp 1+3+0 2 Summer  
Name of block
Min. credits
Max. ECTS credits
Min. number of courses
Course code Course title credits Completion Time requirements Recommended year of study Recommended semester Course availability
KID/DXP3P Practices of Language C 1 Zp 0+2+0 2 Winter  
KDPD/DXEIP Enviromental Information Systems and Tr. 2 Zp 2+2+0 2 Winter  
KID/DXP4P Practicum of Programming in C++ Language 1 Zp 0+0+2 2 Summer  
Name of segment
3.ročník Bc PS AID
Name of block
Min. credits
Max. ECTS credits
Min. number of courses
Course code Course title credits Completion Time requirements Recommended year of study Recommended semester Course availability
KID/POV1P Operational Research 4 Zk+ 2+2+0 3 Winter  
KID/PXD2P Database Systems II 4 Zk+ 2+2+0 3 Winter  
KST/PXMSP Modelling and Simulation 4 Zk+ 2+2+0 3 Winter  
KTRD/PXT2P Techniques and Control in road and city 4 Zk+ 2+2+0 3 Winter  
KID/PXWWP Building of Web-pages 4 Zk+ 2+2+0 3 Winter  
KID/PXP1P Programming Techniques I 5 Zk+ 2+3+0 3 Winter  
KID/PXISP Information and control systems in trans 5 Zk+ 2+2+0 3 Summer  
KID/PXBSP Bachelor Seminar 3 Zp 0+2+0 3 Summer  
KID/PXMAP Programming of Oper. Research Methods 4 Zk+ 1+2+0 3 Summer  
KID/PXBPP Thesis 6 Zp 0+2+0 3 Summer  
KID/PXP2P Programming Techniques II 5 Zk+ 2+3+0 3 Summer  
KTRD/PXTVP Transport Techniques and Control in air 4 Zk+ 2+2+0 3 Summer  
Name of block
Compulsory option
Min. credits
Max. ECTS credits
Min. number of courses
Course code Course title credits Completion Time requirements Recommended year of study Recommended semester Course availability
KID/AXS3P Computer Networks III 4 Zk 1+3+0 3 Winter  
KID/AXMMP Multimedia 4 Zp 1+3+0 3 Winter  
KID/AXS4P Computer Networks IV 4 Zp 1+3+0 3 Summer  
UECHI/AXGSP GIS 4 Zp 1+2+0 3 Summer  
Name of block
Min. credits
Max. ECTS credits
Min. number of courses
Course code Course title credits Completion Time requirements Recommended year of study Recommended semester Course availability
KID/DPPTP Practicum of Programming Techniques 2 Zp 0+2+0 3 -  
D P B 4
Name of segment
DFJP cizí jazyk Bc. prezenční čtyřsemestrální
Name of block
Compulsory option
Min. credits
Max. ECTS credits
Min. number of courses
Course code Course title credits Completion Time requirements Recommended year of study Recommended semester Course availability
JC/DPADC English for Transport - A2 2 Zp 0+2+0 - -  
JC/DPADD English for Transport - A2+ 2 Zk 0+2+0 - -  
JC/DPADE English for Transport - B1 2 Zk 0+2+0 - -  
JC/DPADI English for Transport - C1 2 Zk 0+2+0 - -  
JC/DPADG English for Transport - B2 2 Zk 0+2+0 - -  
JC/DPADH English for Transport - B2+ 2 Zk 0+2+0 - -  
JC/DPADF English for Transport - B1+ 2 Zk 0+2+0 - -  
Name of block
Min. credits
Max. ECTS credits
Min. number of courses
Course code Course title credits Completion Time requirements Recommended year of study Recommended semester Course availability
JC/UPNUA German - A1 2 Zk 0+2+0 - -  
JC/UPNUB German - A1+ 2 Zk 0+2+0 - -  
JC/UPNUF German - B1+ 2 Zk 0+2+0 - -  
JC/UPNUD German - A2+ 2 Zk 0+2+0 - -  
JC/UPNUE German - B1 2 Zk 0+2+0 - -  
JC/UPNUC German - A2 2 Zk 0+2+0 - -  
Name of block
Min. credits
Max. ECTS credits
Min. number of courses
Course code Course title credits Completion Time requirements Recommended year of study Recommended semester Course availability
JC/UPRUA Russian - A1 2 Zk 0+2+0 - -  
JC/UPRUB Russian - A1+ 2 Zk 0+2+0 - -  
JC/UPRUD Russian - A2+ 2 Zk 0+2+0 - -  
JC/UPRUC Russian - A2 2 Zk 0+2+0 - -  
JC/UPRRD Russian and Realia - A2+ 2 Zk 0+2+0 - -  
státnice X
Name of segment
Státní závěrečná zkouška Bc AID
Name of block
Min. credits
Max. ECTS credits
Min. number of courses
Course code Course title credits Completion Time requirements Recommended year of study Recommended semester Course availability
Name of block
Compulsory option
Min. credits
Max. ECTS credits
Min. number of courses
Course code Course title credits Completion Time requirements Recommended year of study Recommended semester Course availability
Name of segment
Filozofická propedeutika
Name of block
Min. credits
Max. ECTS credits
Min. number of courses
Course code Course title credits Completion Time requirements Recommended year of study Recommended semester Course availability
Name of segment
TV volitelná
Name of block
P.E. Optional - SS
Min. credits
Max. ECTS credits
Min. number of courses
Course code Course title credits Completion Time requirements Recommended year of study Recommended semester Course availability
KTS/VES2 Rowing 2 1 Zp 0+12S+0 - Summer  
KTS/BCH2 Beach Volleyball 2 1 Zp 0+2+0 - Summer  
KTS/AQR2 Aquaaerobic 2 1 Zp 0+1+0 - Summer  
KTS/BAD2 Badminton 2 1 Zp 0+2+0 - Summer  
KTS/BAS2 Basketball 2 1 Zp 0+2+0 - Summer  
KTS/FLO2 Floorball 2 1 Zp 0+2+0 - Summer  
KTS/FOT2 Football 2 1 Zp 0+2+0 - Summer  
KTS/HAZ2 Handball 2 1 Zp 0+2+0 - Summer  
KTS/INC2 Indoorcycling 2 1 Zp 0+1+0 - Summer  
KTS/KCV2 Conditional training 2 1 Zp 0+2+0 - Summer  
KTS/LEZ2 Climbing 2 1 Zp 0+2+0 - Summer  
KTS/PLA2 Swimming 2 1 Zp 0+1+0 - Summer  
KTS/POS2 Strengthening 2 1 Zp 0+2+0 - Summer  
KTS/PWJ2 Poweryoga 2 1 Zp 0+2+0 - Summer  
KTS/SQU2 Squash 2 1 Zp 0+1+0 - Summer  
KTS/TEN2 Tennis 2 1 Zp 0+2+0 - Summer  
KTS/VOL2 Volleyball 2 1 Zp 0+2+0 - Summer  
KTS/APA2 Alternative physical activity 2 1 Zp 0+2+0 - Summer  
KTS/SEB2 Self defence and combat sports 2 1 Zp 0+2+0 - Summer  
KTS/ASP2 Alternative outdoor sports 2 1 Zp 0+12S+0 - Summer  
KTS/AER2 Aerobic 2 1 Zp 0+2+0 - Summer  
Name of block
P.E. Optional - WS
Min. credits
Max. ECTS credits
Min. number of courses
Course code Course title credits Completion Time requirements Recommended year of study Recommended semester Course availability
KTS/VES1 Rowing 1 1 Zp 0+12S+0 - Winter  
KTS/BCH1 Beach Volleyball 1 1 Zp 0+2+0 - Winter  
KTS/FLO1 Floorball 1 1 Zp 0+2+0 - Winter  
KTS/APA1 Alternative physical activity 1 1 Zp 0+2+0 - Winter  
KTS/AER1 Aerobic 1 1 Zp 0+2+0 - Winter  
KTS/AQR1 Aquaaerobic 1 1 Zp 0+1+0 - Winter  
KTS/BAD1 Badminton 1 1 Zp 0+2+0 - Winter  
KTS/FOT1 Football 1 1 Zp 0+2+0 - Winter  
KTS/HAZ1 Handball 1 1 Zp 0+2+0 - Winter  
KTS/INC1 Indoorcycling 1 1 Zp 0+1+0 - Winter  
KTS/KCV1 Conditional training 1 1 Zp 0+2+0 - Winter  
KTS/LEZ1 Climbing 1 1 Zp 0+2+0 - Winter  
KTS/PLA1 Swimming 1 1 Zp 0+1+0 - Winter  
KTS/POS1 Strengthening 1 1 Zp 0+2+0 - Winter  
KTS/PWJ1 Poweryoga 1 1 Zp 0+2+0 - Winter  
KTS/SQU1 Squash 1 1 Zp 0+1+0 - Winter  
KTS/TEN1 Tennis 1 1 Zp 0+2+0 - Winter  
KTS/VOL1 Volleyball 1 1 Zp 0+2+0 - Winter  
KTS/SEB1 Self defence and combat sports 1 1 Zp 0+2+0 - Winter  
KTS/ASP1 Alternative outdoor sports 1 1 Zp 0+12S+0 - Winter  
KTS/BAS1 Basketball 1 1 Zp 0+2+0 - Winter  
Name of segment
Čeština pro zahraniční studenty
Name of block
Min. credits
Max. ECTS credits
Min. number of courses
Course code Course title credits Completion Time requirements Recommended year of study Recommended semester Course availability
JC/UPCKC Conversation in Czech - A2 3 Zk+ 0+2+0 - - The course is available to visiting students
JC/UPCUB Czech - A1+ 5 Zk 0+4+0 - - The course is available to visiting students
JC/UPCUA Czech - A1 5 Zk 0+4+0 - - The course is available to visiting students