Combined techniques and auxiliary techniques: paper bases backed on fabric bases - oil paintings, tempera, gouache, colour-types on paper or paper cardboards finished on other auxiliary bases, latest auxiliary adhesives. Latest techniques - disperse binders: on paper base, on fabric base, pigments, binders, protective fixative agents or varnishes
Subject objective consists in getting knowledge on characteristic materials, techniques and technologies in different style periods, considering both composition, properties, application and natural ageing. Students are able to assess and determine every technique, technology and materials used in the past as well as to compare them with recent and currently used. Students are briefly lectured on qualities, drawbacks or setbacks of historical techniques, materials and technologies being proved in the past.
Students are able to assess and determine every technique, technology and materials used in the past as well as to compare them with recent and currently used. Students are briefly lectured on qualities, drawbacks or setbacks of historical techniques, materials and technologies being proved in the past.
Cennini, Cennino. Kniha o umění středověku. Praha, 1946.
Ďurovič, M. a kol. Restaurování a konzervování archiválií a knih. Praha, Paseka, 2002.
Hégr, M. Malba, materiály a techniky. Orbis, 1953.
Hřebíčková, B., A. Recepty starých mistrů aneb malířské postupy středověku. 2006.
Kiplik, D., I. Technika malby. Orbis, 1951.
Kubička, R., Zelinger, J. Výkladový slovník malířství, grafika, restaurování. Praha, 2004.
Losos, L. Pozlacování a polychromie. Grada Praha, 2005.
Slánský, B. Technika malby. Paseka, Praha Litomyšl, 2003.
Strub, R. V. Štaflový obraz středověku, Reclamshandbuch. Stuttgart, 1984.
Šimůnková, E., Bayerová, T. Pigmenty. Praha, 1999.
Šimůnková, E., Karhan, J. Pigmenty, barviva a metody jejich identifikace. 1993.