Reimannová Irena, Mgr. Ph.D.
Course content
At the end of the course, students will become aware of and will understand what attitudes, knowledge, skills and actions may enable them to understand themselves and others, to interact and communicate with those who are perceived to have different cultural affiliations from their own with proficiency in the host language by reflecting their practical experience from face-2-face and videoconference discussions in their Mahara ePortfolios and in classes. The course will also encourage student teachers to put their ICC into practice when developing ICC in their classrooms. Content Introduction to the concept of Intercultural communicative competence. Place of Intercultural communicative competence in educational process (on the European Union level of as well as in the Czech Republic). Terminology connected to Intercultural communicative competence, Multicultural education, Culture, etc. (intercultural - multicultural, culture, big C Culture - small c culture, subculture, language and culture, culture and society, nation, racism, ethnicity, etc.) Self awareness (who am I and where do I belong, self-reflection, motivation, etc.) Awareness of others (prejudice, types - stereotypes, cultural understanding, sense of humor, reflection of others, respect, empathy, etc.) Attitudes (pulling down the barriers, values, beliefs, tolerance, willingness to suspend judgment, openness, etc.) Skills (practical skills and know-how, intercultural skills and know-how, ability to compromise, etc.) Knowledge (communicative language competences - linguistic c., sociolinguistic c. and general competences declarative knowledge, know-how, etc.) Proficiency in the host language (What does he mean when he says ? etc.) Back to the concept Intercultural communicative competence (domains, traits, competences, process, etc.) Evaluation of Intercultural communicative competence evolvement.
Learning activities and teaching methods
Monologic (reading, lecture, briefing), Dialogic (discussion, interview, brainstorming), Work with text (with textbook, with book), Methods of individual activities, Demonstration, Projection, Skills training, Graphic and art activities, Stimulating activities (simulation, games, drama)
Learning outcomes
The aim of this study subject taught by blended learning form is evolvement of Intercultural communicative competence in student teachers of English language to enable them to incorporate Intercultural communicative competence into practice and become good mediators of it themselves in order to set off the long-term process of change with the objective of multicultural society open to diversity.
This study subject develops all five domains of Intercultural communicative competence (awareness, attitudes, skills, knowledge and proficiency in the host language) in student teachers of English language; this development taking place on the level of Communicative language competences (Linguistic competences, Sociolinguistic competences, Pragmatic competences) as well as in General competences (Declarative knowledge, Skills and know-how, ´Existential´ competence, Ability to learn).
Assessment methods and criteria
Home assignment evaluation, Student performance assessment, Oral performance analysis, Discussion
1. Active participation in videoconferences (before/during/after). 2. Completing ePortfolio of my Intercultural Communicative Competence development (via Google Apps and ePortfolio Mahara)
Recommended literature
Byram, M., Fleming, M. Language Learning in Intercultural Perspective. CUP, 1998. ISBN 0 52162376 6.
KOSTKOVÁ, K. Rozvoj interkulturní komunikační kompetence.. Brno, 2012. ISBN 978-80-210-6035-7.
lUSTIG, M. W., Koester, J. Intercultural Competence, Interpersonal Communication across Cultures.
Morgensternová, Monika. Interkulturní psychologie : rozvoj interkulturní senzitivity. Praha: Karolinum, 2007. ISBN 978-80-246-1361-1.
PRŮCHA, J. Multikulturní výchova. Praha:ISV, 200.
Průcha, Jan. Interkulturní psychologie : [sociopsychologické zkoumání kultur, etnik, ras a národů]. Praha: Portál, 2007. ISBN 978-80-7367-280-5.