This course deals with the topics: Iliminace -material composition, degradation, restoration technology Textile material composition, degradation, restoration technology Metals material composition, degradation, restoration technology Wood material composition, degradation, restoration technology Part of the course are the excursion in the national archives
Banik. G., Krist, G.. Lösungsmittel in der Restaurierung. Wien: Verlag Der Apfel, 1989.
Bayer K. Sylaby přednášek.
Eastaugh, N., Walsh, V., Chaplin, T., Siddal, R. Pigment compendium. Elsevier, 2004.
Matteini, M., Moles, A. Naturwissenschaftliche Untersuchungsmethoden in der Restaurierung. Munchen, 1990.
Mills, J.S., White, R. The organic chemistry of museum objects. Oxford, 1996.
Rožan, J., Vaníček, O. Pigmenty práškové barvy. Praha, 1959.
Schramm, H.P., Hering, B. Historische Malmaterialien und ihre Identifizierung. Stuttgart, 1995.
Šimůnková, E., Bayerová, T. Pigmenty. Praha, 1999.
Zelinger, J. a kol. Chemie v práci konzervátora a restaurátora. Academia, 1982.