Course: Technology of Restoration and Conservation of Paper, Bookbinding and Documents III

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Course title Technology of Restoration and Conservation of Paper, Bookbinding and Documents III
Course code KCHTFR/TCR3P
Organizational form of instruction Lecture
Level of course Bachelor
Year of study 3
Semester Winter
Number of ECTS credits 3
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course Compulsory
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements This is not an internship
Recommended optional programme components None
  • Hurtová Alena, Ing.
Course content
1. information systems -search in foreign publications and periodicals, electronic information resources 2. Preventive care -climatic conditions of humidity and temperature, optical conditions 3. Properties of paper -physical, chemical, mechanical and optical properties, measurement of mechanical properties of paper 4. Lamination and sceletization 5. Cleavage of paper 6. Recording medium -historic and modern recording medium, inks, železogalové inks, inks, pencils, 7. Parchment paper -manufacture of degradation and preserving of 8. The use of enzymes Laboratory identification of fibre paper

Learning activities and teaching methods
Monologic (reading, lecture, briefing), Dialogic (discussion, interview, brainstorming), Laboratory work
  • unspecified - 32 hours per semester
  • unspecified - 3 hours per semester
  • unspecified - 18 hours per semester
Learning outcomes
The aim is to supplement the lectures from the subject TCR1P about other topics


Assessment methods and criteria
Written examination

The test is implemented by means of a written test.
Recommended literature
  • A. Blažej. Technologie kůží a kožišin. Praha, 1984.
  • A. Mareček, J. Honza. Chemie pro čtyřletá gymnázia 3. díl. Olomouc, 2000. ISBN 80-7182-057-1.
  • Ďurovič, M. a kol. Restaurování a konzervování archiválií a knih. Praha, Paseka, 2002.
  • Feller, R. L., Lee, S. B. and Bogaard, J. Contributions to Conservation Science - A Collection of Robert Feller´s Published Studies on Artist´s Paints, Paper and Varnishes..
  • J. Odvárková, M. Součková, A. Orlita, J. Vaculík. Meodické pokyny ke konzervaci usˇových nebo pergamenových knižních vazeb a ostatních předmětů vyrobených z kůže a pergamenu. Praha, 1999.
  • K. Marion, R. Thomson. Conservation of leather and related materials. Oxford, 2006. ISBN 0-7506-4881-3.
  • Kopecká I. a kol: . Preventivní péče o historické objekty a sbírky v nich uložené. Praha, 2002.
  • Z. Vodrážka. Biochemie. Praha, 1999. ISBN 80-200-06000-1.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester
Faculty: Faculty of Restoration Study plan (Version): Restoration and Conservation of Paper, Bookbinding and Documents (2013) Category: Art and applied art 3 Recommended year of study:3, Recommended semester: Winter