Natural binders: General introductory to characteristics and binder application, polycarbohydrates, proteins, drying oils, resins, waxes. Pigments: general introduction - classification and basic characteristics of pigments, white pigments, yellow pigments, red pigments, green pigments, blue and violet pigments, black and brown pigments, metallic applications. Science exploration methods: objectives and basic classification of science exploration methods, analytic and diagnostic exploration methods, determination of basic characteristics of porous inorganic materials. Basic application of solvents in restoration techniques. Basic corrosion problems and wooden objects conservation. Basic corrosion problems and metal objects conservation. Basic corrosion problems and conservation of ceramic material objects. Basic problems of cultural heritage refurbishment.
Subject objective consists in getting knowledge on natural binders, pigments, science methods of cultural heritage exploration, corrosion problems and conservation of some particular materials (wood, metal, ceramics).
Students are able to apply knowledge of basic scopes of problems. The first section is oriented to natural binders - natural macromolecular substances applied to creative art and restoration. Further section is focused on pigments. Another block is oriented to methods of cultural heritage exploration - analytical and diagnostic methods. Students are in shorter blocks acquainted with corrosion problems and conservation of other materials - wood, ceramics and metal.
Banik. G., Krist, G.. Lösungsmittel in der Restaurierung. Wien: Verlag Der Apfel, 1989.
Bayer, K. Sylaby přednášek.
Eastaugh, N., Walsh, V., Chaplin, T., Siddal, R. Pigment compendium. Elsevier, 2004.
Matteini, M., Moles, A. Naturwissenschaftliche Untersuchungsmethoden in der Restaurierung. Munchen, 1990.
Mills, J.S., White, R. The organic chemistry of museum objects. Oxford, 1996.
Rožan, J., Vaníček, O. Pigmenty práškové barvy. Praha, 1959.
Schramm, H.P., Hering, B. Historische Malmaterialien und ihre Identifizierung. Stuttgart, 1995.
Šimůnková, E., Bayerová, T. Pigmenty. Praha, 1999.
Zelinger, J. a kol. Chemie v práci konzervátora a restaurátora. Academia, 1982.