Kudláčková Nina, Ing. Ph.D.
Bartošová Monika, Ing. Ph.D.
Course content
Introduction , transport infrastructure. Transport costs, eternal costs and external profits, internalization of external costs, harmonization. Financing in the transport area, sources of transport financing, methods of investment evaluation. Price, pricing, pricing rules and price assessment. Tariff, tariff creation, tariff changes. Tariffs and prices in the railway transport, transport route charging. Tariffs and prices in the road transport, transport route charging. Tariffs and prices in the air transport, transport route charging. Tariffs and prices in the water transport, transport route charging. Tariffs and prices in the public passenger. Transportation market and particularities of marketing in transport in relation to pricing. Domestic and international transportation law. International organizations in transport. Transport policy in relation to pricing policy and charging problems.
Learning activities and teaching methods
Monologic (reading, lecture, briefing), Dialogic (discussion, interview, brainstorming), Work with text (with textbook, with book), Methods of individual activities, Monitoring
Learning outcomes
To make students acquainted with the legal regulations in the tariffs and prices area, with the distribution of tariffs and prices, with their construction and using with reference to individual types of transport in the intrastate and international area.
The student regains wide knowledge about area of tariff and price fixing department policy in transportation, based on cost calculation and knowledge of problems external costs and their internalization after graduation of subject. He takes one's bearings in precept of law dealing with questions of price making, as is law about prices and next pricing regulations. Further is he in detail familiarized with problems traffic infrastructure, her conception and financing. He is well up in systems of fees of transportation of the infrastructure not only in railway and road, but also flying and water of transportation. He is acquainted with problems of contract of carriage and transport condition s in single types of transport namely on the basis of analysis of international contracts and agreements as is COTIF, SMGS, SMPS, CMR etc. He understands competences of international organizations like e.g. UIC, CERIUM, ERA, UNIFE, UITP, IRU, IMO etc. He controls in detail problems of accounting and transfer of fees in flying transport and functioning of the association EUROCONTROL.
The student must during the semester and final exam prove comprehension of solved problems and ability to work with written text in the form of laws and other legislative norms. He should know questions of cost calculation and economy of company and economy of the traffic company. The orientation is important presumption in problems of transport policy and planning.
Assessment methods and criteria
Oral examination, Home assignment evaluation, Student performance assessment, Oral performance analysis
During the semester also at the final examination the student must approve understanding solve problems and ability to separately assess and evaluate economic development market to the extent of explained subject matter. The tutor will notify the concrete requirements to the students within the first week of the term.
Recommended literature
Obchodní zákoník - platný od 1.1.2014.
Zákon č. 104/2000 Sb., o Státním fondu dopravní infrastruktury. In: Sbírka zákonů České republiky.. 2000.
Zákon č. 194/2010 Sb., o veřejných službách v přepravě cestujících. In: Sbírka zákonů České republiky. 2010.
Eisler J. Úvod do ekonomiky dopravy. 1998.
Chlaň, Alexander. Tarify a ceny v dopravě : studijní opora. Pardubice: Univerzita Pardubice, 2014. ISBN 978-80-7395-812-1.
Štěrba, Roman. Mezinárodní organizace v dopravě. Praha: Česká technika - nakladatelství ČVUT, 2010. ISBN 978-80-01-04504-6.