Tesař Miroslav, doc. Ing. CSc.
Hanus Petr, Ing. Ph.D.
Course content
Materials for the road vehicles. Approach to construction of the modern road vehicles. Clutch pedals of the road vehicles. Gearbox of the road vehicles. Chassis systems of the road vehicles. Axles, suspension of the wheels of the road vehicles. Spring suspension of the road vehicles. Steering systems of the road vehicles. Brake systems of the road vehicles. Safety systems of the road vehicles. Approach to computational modeling of seledted parts of the road vehicles. The final seminar.
Learning activities and teaching methods
Monologic (reading, lecture, briefing)
Learning outcomes
The aim of the course is to deepen theoretical knowledge of constructional features and groups of vehicles. To teach principles of designing and calculating the main constructional groups and parts of vehicles.
After passing the subject, the student is acquainted with the current trends in construction of vehicles. He/she knows the systems and principles used of constructional solution of the current vehicles. He/she has theoretical knowledge of the way of designing and calculating the basic constructional components of vehicles.
The knowledge of the constructional arrangement of the road vehicles. The knowledge of the method of operation of particular groups and parts of the gear system and chassis of the vehicles. Ability to apply the knowledge of the theory of vehicles in practical applications. Ability to apply the mathematic apparatus for deducing the necessary dependencies for determining the weighting forces in the solidity calculations.
Assessment methods and criteria
Oral examination
In the course of the semester and at the final exam, the student has to demonstrate mastering the theoretical principles for designing and solidity check of the vehicle's parts. To be able to define the ways of weighting the constituent parts of the vehicle. To master the basic principles of the procedure of solidity calculations of the parts of the gear mechanism and the vehicle chassis. Concrete requirements shall be given to the students by the tutor in the first week of the semester.
Recommended literature
MATĚJKA, Rostislav. Vozidlá silniční dopravy II. Vysoká škola dopravy a spojov v Žiline, Žilina, 1994.
MATĚJKA, Rostislav. Vozidlá silniční dopravy I. Vydavateľstvo technickej a ekonomickej literatúry, Bratislava, 1988.
Vlk, František. Koncepce motorových vozidel : koncepce vozidel, alternativní pohony, komfortní systémy, řízení dynamiky, informační systémy. Brno: Nakladatelství a vydavatelství Vlk, 2000. ISBN 80-238-5276-0.
Vlk, František. Podvozky motorových vozidel : pneumatiky a kola, zavěšení kol, nápravy, odpružení, řídící ústrojí, brzdové soustavy. Brno: Nakladatelství a vydavatelství Vlk, 2000. ISBN 80-238-5274-4.
Vlk, František. Převodová ústrojí motorových vozidel : spojky, převodovky, rozvodovky, diferenciály, hnací hřídele, klouby. Brno: Nakladatelství a vydavatelství Vlk, 2000. ISBN 80-238-5275-2.