Tesař Miroslav, doc. Ing. CSc.
Sejkorová Marie, doc. Ing. Ph.D.
Course content
he bachelor thesis is independent work of the student under the guidance of some supervisor. The thesis identify if the student is able to solve the concrete problem independently and present the results in the written form. It verify of the knowledge of the student and the student´s ability to its using for thesis evaluation.
Learning activities and teaching methods
Work-related activities
Learning outcomes
The subject is focused on independent creative work of the student under the guidance of some supervisor in the form of the tution (especially to the search and experimental work and to the data evaluation).
Student gain experience at the design of more extensive project and its documentation. He has knowledge about the technical field according to theme of his bachelor work.
He has knowledge about the technical field according to theme of his bachelor work.
Assessment methods and criteria
Home assignment evaluation
The assignment confirms that, the student of daily form of schooling attended obligatory education properly and that he fulfilled requests which are necessary for this assignment. Conditions for assignment confirmation are determined by tutor. Student had to hand over his/ her bachelor thesis in the specified termination date. Particular requests will be past to students in the first part of education by tutor.
Recommended literature
Dle konkrétního zadání diplomové práce.
Zákon o vysokých školách s prováděcími předpisy.