Sejkorová Marie, doc. Ing. Ph.D.
Hurtová Ivana, Ing.
Šourek David, Ing. Ph.D.
Course content
Basic concepts. Environmental information and its importance for the human society. Information sources and their structure. Internet searching tools. Environmental data, environmental information, environmental indicators. Patents databases. Databases of Czech national standards. Environmental information systems in the Czech Republic and in foreign countries. Citation of information sources, ISO 690. Elaboration of a review on a given topic. Introduction into GIS: definitions, components, data types, map layers. Spatial operations. Data in GIS: vector and raster map layers, points, lines and areas and methods of their description. Creation and modification of GIS data. Data visualisation. Analytic operations on vector data. Analytic operations with raster data. Examples of analytic GIS projects in transport. Utilisation of GIS in formation and protection of environment. Coordinate systems and map projections. Map digitalisations. GIS and DPZ technologies, digital terrain modelling, 3D visualisation in GIS. Internet map servers. Modelling in GIS. Modelling of dynamic processes.
Learning activities and teaching methods
Monologic (reading, lecture, briefing)
Learning outcomes
The aim of the course is to give an information about basics of environmental ICT and environmental and geographical information systems, including their application in transportation.
Studying of the course student will obtain the overview abut information systems connected to the environment, which are applied in the transport. He has basic knowledge of environmental ICT. He is able to work with electronic information sources and elaborate selected final project.
Knowledge of secondary-school basics of informatics.
Assessment methods and criteria
Home assignment evaluation
The credit confirms that the students of the daily form of study attended obligatory education properly and fulfilled the requirements necessary for obtaining the credit. Conditions of the credit are determined by the teacher. Active participation on tutorials (attending all practical tutorials and elaboration of proper protocols from them) is required. The course exam (form, contents, duration) is determined in compliance with the Study and examination rules of the UPa. Obtaining the credit is a prerequisite for the exam. The exam consists of written and oral parts. Passing the written part is a prerequisite for attending the oral part. The student must, during the semester, solve the practical assignments individually and, at the final exam, must prove that s/he understand the included topics and solved problems. Credit is assigned for successful elaboration of a review on a given topic and a report concerned with data visualisation in GIS. Particular requirements will be given by the teacher in the first week of the semester.
Recommended literature
Komárková, Jitka. Geografické informační systémy : pro kombinovanou formu studia. Pardubice: Univerzita Pardubice, 2005. ISBN 80-7194-819-5.
Sklenák, Vilém. Data, informace, znalosti a Internet. V Praze: C.H. Beck, 2001. ISBN 80-7179-409-0.
Vymětal, Jan. Odborná literatura a informace v chemii. Praha: Orac, 2001. ISBN 80-86199-33-9.