Lenoch Václav, Ing. Ph.D.
Mašek Zdeněk, Ing. Ph.D.
Course content
1. Introduction to LabView. 2. Data types, array, while, for loops, shift registers, case. 3. Time functions, State Machine, Event, Typedef. 4. Documentation, read/write from/to file. 5. User interace, graphs and charts, queues, producer - consumer model. 6. Using hardware - Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX), Data Acquisition. 7. Using hardware - Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX), Data Acquisition. 8. AVR architecture, I/O ports, address modes. 9. Using C language on AVR, AVR Studio, ANSI C compilators. 10. Interrupt system. Programming technics for embedded aplications. 11. Timers, input capture mode, compare mode, PWM generation. Human machine interface - displays (7-segm.LED, LCD), keyboards (matrix, PC keyboard).. 12. Serial buses I2C, SPI, RS-232, RS-485, development of communication protocol. 13. Serial buses I2C, SPI, RS-232, RS-485, development of communication protocol.
Learning activities and teaching methods
Monologic (reading, lecture, briefing)
- unspecified
- 40 hours per semester
Learning outcomes
In the first half of the course students learn LabView programming basics. In the second half of the course students learn basic programming techniques in C language for microcontrollers. Atmel AVR microcontrollers, their structure and programming in C programming language. Students learn about programming technics for embedded aplication and human machine interface.
After this course student have basic skills of programming in LabView a basic skills of programming of microcontrollers in ANSI C. Student knows Atmel AVR architecture very well. Student is able to connect various keyboards and displays to microcontroller and handle with them. Student also has good knowledge of common serial interfaces like RS-232, SPI, I2C and their application. He or she can use the microcontroller to control speed or position of DC motor, stepper drive, or speed sensors, strain gauges, temperature sensors etc.
It is assumed that student passed basic course on microcontrollers, circuit analysis and digital processing, knowledge of C programming language is necessary.
Assessment methods and criteria
Oral examination, Home assignment evaluation
Student has to prove his/her knowledge during semester (active participation at exercises, homework) and in final exam. Student works on semestr project. Teacher provides particular demands at the beginning of course.
Recommended literature
Firemní literatura fy Atmel, dostupná na www.atmel.com..
Burkhard M. C pro mikrokontroléry. BEN Praha, Technická literatura, 2003.
Herout P. Učebnice jazyka C, Nakladatelství KOPP, 2004, IV. přepracované vydání.
Matoušek D. USB prakticky s obvody FTDI. BEN.
Thomas Bress. Effective LabVIEW Programming. 2013. ISBN 978-1-934891-08-7.
Váňa, V. Mikrokontroléry Atmel AVR - popis procesorů a instrukční soubor, BEN - technická literatura, Praha 2003, ISBN 80-7300-083-0.