Vaňásek Jaroslav, doc. MUDr. CSc.
Horáčková Kateřina, PhDr. Ph.D.
Kopecký Michal, Mgr. et Mgr.
Course content
Fundamental effects of radiation therapy. Fundamental effects of cytostatic therapy. Undesired effects of chemotherapy, and actinotherapy. Treatment of pain in oncological patients. Dispensarisation of oncological patients.
Learning activities and teaching methods
Monologic (reading, lecture, briefing), Dialogic (discussion, interview, brainstorming), Work with text (with textbook, with book), Skills training
Learning outcomes
The aim of the course is to acquaint students with fundamentals of diagnostics and treatment of patients with a tumour illness including haematological diseases.
The student orientates himself/herself in an oncological workplace, knows fundamentals of administration of blood derivatives and of treatment of haematological illnesses, knows principles of work with cytostatics, principles of and indications for chemotherapy, complications of chemotherapy, principles of and indications for radiotherapy. Next, the student knows principles of dispensarisation of patients.
Assessment methods and criteria
Oral examination, Student performance assessment, Didactic test
Completion of compulsory 80% attendance at the lectures, practicum sessions and seminars. Completing assigned written work. Successful completion of an oral examination.
Recommended literature
KLENER, P. Klinická onkologie. Praha: Galén, 2002.
Lexová, A. a kol. Hematologie pro zdravotní sestry. 1. vyd. Brno: IDVPZ (Povinné učivo v rozsahu s. 5 - 140), 2000.
O´CONNOR, M.; ARANDA, S. Paliativní péče - pro sestry všech oborů.. 1. vyd. Praha: Grada, 2005.
Penka, M.; Tesařová, E. Hematologie a transfuzní lékařství I. - hematologie. 1. vyd. Praha: Grada, 2011.
Šafránková, Alena. Interní ošetřovatelství II. Praha: Grada, 2006. ISBN 80-247-1777-8.
VORLÍČEK, J., ABRAHÁMOVÁ, J. a kol. Klinická onkologie pro sestry. Praha : Grada Publishing, 2006.