Course: Language Seminar - Bulgarian Language

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Course title Language Seminar - Bulgarian Language
Course code KLKS/BLJS
Organizational form of instruction Seminary
Level of course Bachelor
Year of study 3
Semester Summer
Number of ECTS credits 3
Language of instruction Bulgarian
Status of course Compulsory
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements This is not an internship
Recommended optional programme components None
  • Veleva Sevdalina, Mgr. Ph.D.
Course content
Completing of basics of the literary Bulgarian language - grammatical categories. Verbs valency. Syntactic constructions. Autonomous working with text, especially focused on the publicistic and special lexikon.

Learning activities and teaching methods
Dialogic (discussion, interview, brainstorming), Work with text (with textbook, with book), Skills training
Learning outcomes
The goal of the subject is to strenghten grammatical knowledge, extend vocabulary and learn how to use more complicated syntactic constructions, especially in writing. Bulgarian language education, vocabulary widening and enrichment, usage of grammar structures and more advanced communication competencies. It will be mainly worked with authentic texts from different style areas (specialized, interpretation, publicistic, administrative, artistic style) with excercises orientated in deepening of the existing overall level of assimilation of Bulgarian Language. Special attention will be paid to the Bulgarian orthography rules and correct pronounciation.
he students will deepen and assimilate their previous knowledge and will get relatively comprehensive idea for the structure of the current Bulgarian literary language and its realization in the usage and specialized discursus. They will develop their communicative competence in level which is necessary to have for a successful communication in their future practice.

Assessment methods and criteria
Oral examination, Home assignment evaluation, Work-related product analysis

Active participation, home preparation, passing a final test and a dialogue (based upon a chosen text - size = 100 pages). To prepare the dialogue each student will bring a vocabulary of terminology from that text.
Recommended literature
  • BAKARDŽIEVA, G.a kol. Bulharština pro cizince.
  • KUFNEROVÁ, Z. Stručná mluvnice bulharštiny.
  • MURDAROV, Vl . 99 ezikovi saveta.
  • MURDAROV, Vl. 99 saveta za balgarskija pravogovor.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester
Faculty: Faculty of Arts and Philosophy Study plan (Version): Slavonic Studies of the European Union (2013) Category: Philological sciences 3 Recommended year of study:3, Recommended semester: Summer