Course: Czech Literary Culture of the 20th Century

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Course title Czech Literary Culture of the 20th Century
Course code KLKS/CL20
Organizational form of instruction Lecture + Seminary
Level of course Bachelor
Year of study not specified
Semester Summer
Number of ECTS credits 5
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course Compulsory
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements This is not an internship
Recommended optional programme components None
  • Říha Ivo, PhDr. Ph.D.
Course content
Forms of the Czech literature at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th centuries. Literature of the beginning of the 20th century - new poetics: esp. anarchism and so-called rebellious poetry. Czech prose after the First World War (ways of artistic reflection on war affairs); German literature in Czech countries (authors of the 'Prague's circle'). Poetry in the 1920s - the coming of the avant-garde (proletarian poetry, Literary group, 'Devětsil' and poetism. Forms of prose in the 1930s (Čapek brothers, Vančura, Olbracht, and others). Poetry in the 1930s (Halas, Holan, Zahradníček, and others). Poetry from the 1940s till the end of the 1960s. Prose from the 1940s till the end of the 1960s. Poetry from the end of the 1960s till the present. Prose from the end of 1960s till the present. An outline of Czech drama developments and theatre in the 20th century.

Learning activities and teaching methods
Monologic (reading, lecture, briefing), Dialogic (discussion, interview, brainstorming), Work with text (with textbook, with book)
Learning outcomes
The aim of this course in connection with CL19 is to cover the transitional phases at the end of 19th and the beginning of 20th century and to follow the development of Czech literature in the 20th century till today. The course concept is based on topic allocation in the course of lectures. Individual parts of the plan are designed to broaden and deepen the subject matter presented during lectures in the form of a discussion. The content of the work will reflect continual reading of both primary and secondary literary resources.
A graduate of this course should be able to think independetly of the crucial developmental moments and phases of Czech literature of the 20th century. This qualification will emerge from attended lectures and at the same time from simultaneously gained reader´s own experience.
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Assessment methods and criteria
Oral examination

The oral examination will focus on the knowledge of Czech literary history in the 20th century. At the exam, the list of primary and secondary literature studied is presented. Active participation in the CL20 seminars is a condition for admission to the oral examination - continual reading of reference texts, presentation of a paper on a chosen topic (submitted also in a written form).
Recommended literature
  • ALAN, J. Etapy života očima sociologie. Praha: Panorama, 1989.
  • BRABEC, J. Panství ideologie a moc literatury. Praha, 2009.
  • FRYNTA, E. Eseje. Praha, 2013.
  • Fučík, B. Čtrnáctero zastavení. Praha, 1992.
  • GROSSMANN, J. Mezi literaturou a divadlem I, II. Praha, 2014.
  • HODROVÁ, D. a kol. Na okraji chaosu (Poetika literárního díla 20. století). Praha, 2001.
  • CHALUPECKÝ, J. Expresionisté. Praha, 1992.
  • CHVATÍK, K., PEŠAT, Z. (red.). Poetismus. Praha, 1967.
  • JANOUŠEK, P. a kol. Přehledné dějiny české literatury 1945-1989. Praha, 2012.
  • KAUTMAN, F. Franz Kafka.. Praha : Academia, 1996.
  • KAUTMAN, F. O českou národní identitu. Praha, 2015.
  • LEHÁR, J., STICH, A., JANÁČKOVÁ, J., HOLÝ, J. Česká literatura od počátků k dnešku (dopl. vyd. 2002, 2004). Praha, 1998.
  • LOPATKA, J. Předpoklady tvorby. Praha, 2010.
  • NEZVAL, V. Moderní básnické směry. Praha, 1989.
  • NOVÁK, A., NOVÁK, J. V. Přehledné dějiny literatury české. (reprint čtvrtého vyd. Olomouc 1936 - 1939). Brno, 1995.
  • PAPOUŠEK, V. a kol. Dějiny nové moderny 2. Lomy vertikál. Praha, 2014.
  • PAPOUŠEK, V. a kol. Dějiny nové moderny. Praha, 2010.
  • PEŠAT, Z., PETROVÁ, E. (eds.). Skupina 42. Antologie. Brno, 2000.
  • PEŠAT, Z., STROHSOVÁ, E. (red.). Dějiny české literatury IV (tzv. "Akademické"). Praha, 1995.
  • VAJCHR, M., KARLÍK, V. (eds.). U nás ve sklepě. Antologie poesie druhé generace undergroundu. Praha, 2013.
  • ZÁBRANA, J. Celý život. Výbor z deníků 1948-1984. Praha, 2001.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester
Faculty: Faculty of Arts and Philosophy Study plan (Version): Historical and Literary Studies (2015) Category: History courses 1 Recommended year of study:1, Recommended semester: Summer