Kudláč Antonín, PhDr. Ph.D.
Course content
1 Introduction: basic characteristic of Czech prose after 1989 2 Literary life (institutions, media) 3 Regional literature (groups and magazines outside the centres) 4 Postmodernism (J. Kratochvil, D. Hodrová, V. Macura, M. Ajvaz, J. Topol, J. Křesadlo) 5 Authentic trends (L. Vaculík, M. C. Putna, E. Kantůrková) 6 "Art" vs. "commercialism" (M. Viewegh, P. Šabach, J. Jandourek, P. Kohout, B. Nesvadbová) 7 Religious and spiritual motifs (P. Payne, M. Rejchrt, J. Balabán, I. Matoušek) 8 Historical novel in the new situation (V. Körner, V. Vokolek, Z. Šmíd, V. Macura, M. Urban) 9 Reflections of the current social problems and "the new committment" 10 Femininity and feminism (A. Berková, C. Biedermannová, E. Hauserová, Z. Brabcová, I. Pekárková, P. Soukupová) 11 Comparison to "the other" (P. Hůlová, J. Rudiš, J. Topol, J. Cempírek) 12 Czech authors abroad 13 Prose in digital space
Learning activities and teaching methods
Monologic (reading, lecture, briefing), Dialogic (discussion, interview, brainstorming), Work with text (with textbook, with book)
Learning outcomes
The aim of this course is to introduce the Czech prose after 1989 in a full range of its genres and authors. The seminary is devoted to the study of developmental trends of various types of prose, documented with chosen literary works and also the social and cultural context of literary life in this period.
Students will acquire cultural and historical erudition and knowledge of contemporary literary culture, necessary for instance for work in media (editorial work, dramaturgy of media praxis, a position in relation with medias in the field of culture), in institutions connected with humanities (in libraries, commissions in field of culture and similar) and also in further study of humanities.
Assessment methods and criteria
Written examination, Student performance assessment, Creative work analysis
Sufficient attendance (with a tolerated maximum of three absences per term); every student should read at least one monograph from the list of theoretical works and two fiction books. Credit will be acquired on the base of the written test, which should prove orientation in the theme.
Recommended literature
Fialová, Alena (ed.). V souřadnicích mnohosti. Česká literatura první dekády jednadvacátého století v souvislostech a interpretacích. Praha, 2014.
Hruška, Petr - Machala, Lubomír - Vodička, Libor - Zizler, Jiří (eds.). V souřadnicích volnosti. Česká literatura devadesátých let dvacátého století v interpretacích. Praha, 2008.
Janáček, Pavel (ed.). Česká a slovenská literatura dnes. Praha - Opava, 1997.
Jareš. Michal (ed.). Deset let poté.. Česká a slovenská literatura po roce 1989. Praha - Opava, 2000.
Machala, Lubomír. Literární bludiště. Bilance polistopadové prózy. Praha, 2001.
Novotný, Vladimír. Mezi moderností a postmoderností. Úvahy o typologii české prózy z konce tisíciletí. Praha, 2002.
Trávníček, Jiří. Ve studených vodách svobody. Česká literatura 1989 - 2009. Host 10, s. 33-38, 2010.