The course is targeted on the development of personal creativity and critical thinking in general aesthetic, mostly literary context, i.e. on the background of literary form texts production. The course participants will be introduced into current theories of creative process, including its specific phases, they will be informed about selected literary strategies, there will be space enough for both group and individual feedback, but never to direct assessment or evaluation of the texts. Although the seminars are planned to be practical, within the open feedback reflecting running creative processes we will, apart from detailed insights into literary genres principles, deal with the broader knowledge of contemporary creative psychology, neuropsychology and cognitive science. Approximately one third of the seminars will be focused on so called motivation writing, because its procedures could be easily applied in the ares of management, couching and and any other filed of self-reflection or self-management.
In this course, students will deepen their abilities of expression, they will acquire overview of basic methods of creative thinking, better understanding of creative process, and they will learn to exploit the individual and collective dynamics in work with different inspirational suggestions. Practically, students will verify their knowledge of literary theory and the ways of its application.
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FIŠER, Z., HAVLÍK, V., HORÁČEK, R. Slovem akcí obrazem. Příspěvky k interdisciplinaritě tvůrčího procesu. Brno, 2010.
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HOŠKOVÁ, K. Tvůrčí psaní pro malé spisovatele a spisovatelky.. Beno, 2013.
HRDLIČKA, F. Průvodce po literárním řemesle. Základy tvůrčího psaní. Praha, 2004.
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LABERGE, S. Lucidní snění.. Praha, 2006.
MAISEL, E. Trénink kreativity. Podněty pro rozvinutí tvořivého potenciálu na celý rok. Praha, 2002.
MALÝ, R. (ed.). Metody výuky tvůrčího psaní aneb Jak se v Česku učí psát. Praha, 2013.
QUENEAU, R. Stylistická cvičení. Praha, 1994.
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