Lotková Halka, doc. MUDr. Ph.D.
Course content
Body fluids and blood, composition, significance, volume regulation of extracellular fluids. Principles of impulse origin and conduction, smooth, skeletal, and cardiac muscle contraction. Cardiovascular system. Principles of EKG recording. Respiratory system. Endocrine system. Physiology of digestion and absorption. Physiology of elimination. Central nervous system.
Learning activities and teaching methods
Monologic (reading, lecture, briefing)
Learning outcomes
The aim of the course is to become familiar with physiological functions of tissues and organs and with mechanisms playing a role in their control and in homeostasis maintenance. It acquaints with pathophysiological processes that play a role in the development of a number of illnesses.
The student has theoretical knowledge of the function and regulation of individual systems including necessary terminology. The student will be able to infer basic clinical manifestations from their disorders and causes of functional changes in an organism.
Assessment methods and criteria
Successful completion of a written test.
Recommended literature
Főlsch U.R., Kochsiek,K., Schmidt,R.F. Patologická fyziologie. Praha: Grada, 2003.
MOUREK, J. Fyziologie. Učebnice pro studenty zdravotnických oborů. Praha: Grada, 2005.
Silbernagl S., Despopoulos,A. Atlas fyziologie člověka. 6. vyd. Praha: Grada, 2004.
Sovová E. a kol. EKG pro sestry. 2. vyd. Olomouc, Epava, 2000.