The aim of the part of the course that focuses on gynaecology is to acquaint the student with the field of gynaecology and especially with the physiology of the woman's reproductive system and with diseases of the genitals. The aim of the part of the course that focuses on obstetrics is to acquaint the student with the physiology of pregnancy, the course of labour, delivery and puerperium, with high-risk pregnancy, obstetrical surgeries, education towards motherhood and the issue of planned parenthood.
The student knows and works with modern examination methods, with organizing care of the woman and with the diagnostics and treatment of the diseases of the genitals. Students orient themselves on issues related to the nursing care of the pregnant woman.
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HERDMAN, HEATHER,T. Ošetřovatelské diagnózy definice & klasifikace: 2015-2017. Praha: Grada, 2015.
KOLIBA, P., ŠEVČÍK, l., PANNOVÁ, J. Propedeutika v gynekologii a porodnictví pro porodní asistentky. Ostrava: Ostravská Univerzita v Ostravě, 2004.
Kudela, M. a kol. Základy gynekologie a porodnictví pro posluchače lékařské fakulty. Olomouc: Univerzita Palackého, 2008. ISBN 9788024419756.
Mašata, J.; Jedličková, A. Infekce v gynekologii. Praha: Maxdorf, 2006.
ROB, L., MARTAN, A., CITTEBART, K. a kol. Gynekologie. Praha: Galén, 2008.
Roztočil, A. a kol. Moderní porodnictví. Praha: Grada, 2008.
ROZTOČIL, A. Moderní gynekologie. Praha: Grada, 2011.