Introduction - contemporary neonatology: organization and issues. The child's growth and development during infancy. Nutrition and breastfeeding. Classification of newborns and their issues. The normal newborn and his/her care. Early and late asphyxia syndrome. Congenital developmental defects. Icterus of the newborn. Infection of the foetus and the newborn. Acute events in neonatology and their treatment. Initial stabilization of the newborn, content of the newborn box, care of the child in an incubator. Measuring and weighing the newborn, working with the percentile graph, measuring physiological functions. Observation of the newborn's postpartal adaptation. The newborn's natural and artificial nutrition, breastfeeding techniques. Nutrition of the prematurely born infant, feeding techniques of the premature infant. Resuscitation of the newborn. The nursing process in the care of the newborn receiving oxygen therapy, distension therapy, and artificial pulmonary ventilation. The nursing process in the care of the newborn with jaundice. The nursing process in the care of the newborn with a congenital developmental defect. The issue of pain in the newborn.
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