Cvejn Jan, doc. Ing. Ph.D.
Course content
Automatic process control - introduction. Dynamic systems. Types of mathematical models. Output and state description. Time-invariant systems. Linearization of the model. Steady-state value. Static characteristics. Dead time. Linear stationary one-dimensional systems. Linearity of the solution, general form of the solution. Impulse and step responses. Fourier and Laplace transforms. Basic statements about images. Simplified vocabulary of L-transform. Using L-transform for obtaining time response of linear systems. System transfer function. Standard form of the transfer function - gain, time constants, astatism. Block algebra. Feedback transfer function. Overview of the most common types of linear systems and their properties (static and astatic system of the first order, second-order systems, high-order system with a dead time). Replacement of a high-order system by the first-order system with a dead time. Automatic regulation. Open and closed control loop. Sensor and actuator transfer function. Discontinuous controllers - two-state and three-state ones. PID controller and its variants. Meaning and realization of particular components. Steady-state regulation error. Closed loop stability. Hurwitz and simplified Nyquist criterions of stability. Aplitude and phase margins. Methods of setting up PID controller parameters. Methods not requiring knowledge of the transfer function - Ziegler-Nichols method, setting up on the basis of the system step and frequency responses. Setting based on minimum damping. Criterions of linear and quadratic control area. Frequency-domain based design.
Learning activities and teaching methods
Monologic (reading, lecture, briefing), Work with text (with textbook, with book), Laboratory work
Learning outcomes
The goal of the subject is to build up a mathematical aparatus, based on Laplace transform, used in analysis and synthesis of control systems and describe elementaty tools for realization of feedback control. The graduate obtains knowledge necessary for analysis and design of simple control systems.
The graduate obtains knowledge necessary for analysis and design of simple control systems.
Required knowledge from mathematics: differential and integral calculus, linear differential equations. Elementary physics required: machanics, electrical and heat systems.
Assessment methods and criteria
Oral examination, Written examination, Home assignment evaluation, Student performance assessment
Tests, oral examination.
Recommended literature
Cvejn, J. Řízení procesů - úvod do problematiky. Elektronický studijní materiál. UPa, 2007..
Hanuš, B., Balda, M. a kol. Základy technické kybernetiky I, Skriptum VŠST v Liberci, 1989..
Hlava, J. Prostředky automatického řízení, Skriptum ČVUT v Praze, 2000..
Kotek, Z., Vysoký, P., Zdráhal, Z. Kybernetika. SNTL, Praha 1990..
Pírko, Z., Veit, J. Laplaceova transformace, SNTL, Praha, 1970..
Smith, A. C. Principles and Practice of Automatic Process Control. 3rd Edition. John Wiley & Sons, 2006..