Course: Anthropology of Regions: The Andes

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Course title Anthropology of Regions: The Andes
Course code KSKA/ANAN
Organizational form of instruction Lecture
Level of course Bachelor
Year of study 2
Semester Winter and summer
Number of ECTS credits 4
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course Compulsory-optional
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements This is not an internship
Recommended optional programme components None
  • Jetmarová Jana, PhDr. Ph.D.
Course content
10-3: Cultural-historical and geographical demarcation of the area. 10-10: Pre-classical cultures of the costa - Chavín, Salinar, Paracas. 10-17: Classical period and Post-classical period 24-10: The Incas, the Inca empire. 10-31: European colonialism and its impact on the native society,cultural syncretics processes, indigenous rebellions and its social impacts. 11-7: Post-colonial Andean society, social stratification, ethnic processes. 11-14: Neoliberal transformation of Andean countries and its socioeconomical impacts on indigenous peoples 11-21: Peru: the guerilla movement, Shining Path, indigenous peoples and maoist movement Reading:Wilson, Fiona: 2009 - Violence, Identity and (In) security: Experiencing the Maoist Insurgency in Peru. IDS BULLETIN 40: 2: s. 54 - 61 11-28: Peru:indigenous politics Reading: Greene, Shane: 2008 - Entre lo indio, lo negro, y lo incaico: The Spatial Hierarchies of Difference in Multicultural Peru. The Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology 12: 2: 441 - 474 12-5: Ecuador: current indigenous movement, movimiento Pachakutik Reading: Solo de Zaldívar, Víctor Bretón: 2008 ? From Agrarian Reform to Ethnodevelopment in the Highlands of Ecuador. Journal of Agrarioan Change 8: 4: 583 - 617 (34 s., 11 h.) Reading: Bauer, Daniel Eric: 2010 ? Re-Articulating Identity: The Shifting Landscape of Indigenous Politics and Power on the Ecuadorian Coast. Bulletin of Latin American Research 29: 2: 170 -186 (16s., 5h) 12-12: Bolivia: radical aymara nationalism, katarista movement 12-19: Bolivia: rise of indigenous politics, indigenisation of coca growers movement, government of Evo Morales, the first indigenous president Reading: Perreault, Thomas: 2006 - From the Guerra del Agua to the Guerra del Gas: Resource Governance, Neoliberalism and Popular Protest in Bolivia. Antipode 38: 1: 150 -172 1-2: Perspectives of indigenous politics in the Andean countries Reading: Goodale, Mark: 2006 - Reclaiming Modernity: Indigenous Cosmopolitanism and the Coming of the Second Revolution in Bolivia. American Ethnologist 33: 4: 634-649 (16s., 5h) or Kennemore, Amy - Weeks, Gregory: 2011 - Twenty-First Century Socialism? The Elusive Search for a Post-Neoliberal Model in Bolivia and Ecuador. Bulletin of Latin American Research 30: 3: 267 - 281 (13s., 4h) 1-9: Test

Learning activities and teaching methods
Monologic (reading, lecture, briefing), Dialogic (discussion, interview, brainstorming), Work with text (with textbook, with book)
  • unspecified - 26 hours per semester
  • unspecified - 25 hours per semester
  • unspecified - 49 hours per semester
  • unspecified - 10 hours per semester
  • unspecified - 10 hours per semester
Learning outcomes
The objective of the course is to present the Andean cultures from historical and contemporary point of view. Students will acquire knowledge about historical development of current geopolitical entities with an emphasis on pre-columbian cultural contetxt. They will get the basic overview on indigenous peoples in Andean countries. Students will be able to understand current social precesses ongoing in Andean coutries and the rise of indigenous politics. They will be able to critically analyse the process of construction of current indigenous identity in the Andean region.
Students will acquire the basic anthropological overview of the Andean region and will be able to compare it with other world areas.

Assessment methods and criteria
Oral examination, Written examination, Creative work analysis

Attendance at the lectures and study of literature (including texts assigned during the course). Analytical essay on a chosen topic (range 2500 words) Evaluation: written test minimally 75% of 100%, the results will be accesible on-line.
Recommended literature
  • Bauer, D. E. Re-Articulating Identity: The Shifting Landscape of Indigenous Politics and Power on the Ecuadorian Coast. Bulletin of Latin American Research 29: 2: 170 -186. 2010.
  • BUSHNELL, G. H. S. Umění staré Ameriky. Praha: Odeon, 1970.
  • Canessa, A. Todos somos indígenas: Towards a New Language of National Political Identity. Bulletin of Latin American Research 25: 2: 241 ? 263. 2006.
  • Goodale, M. Reclaiming Modernity: Indigenous Cosmopolitanism and the Coming of the Second Revolution in Bolivia. American Ethnologist 33: 4: 634-649. 2006.
  • GORRITI, G. The Shining Path: A History of the Millenarian War in Peru. Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 1999.
  • Greene, S. Entre lo indio, lo negro, y lo incaico: The Spatial Hierarchies of Difference in Multicultural Peru. The Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology 12: 2: 441 ? 474. 2008.
  • HAGEN, VIKTOR W. VON. Říše Inků. Praha: Orbis, 1963.
  • Harten, S. The Rise of Evo Morales and the MAS. London and New York: Zed Books, 2011.
  • Kennemore, A. - Weeks, G. Twenty-First Century Socialism? The Elusive Search for a Post-Neoliberal Model in Bolivia and Ecuador. Bulletin of Latin American Research 30: 3: 267 - 281. 2011.
  • Kohl, B. Challenges to Neoliberal Hegemony in Bolivia. Antipode 38: 2: 304 ? 326. 2006.
  • Kolata, A. The Tíwanaku: portrait of an Andean civilization. 1993.
  • Perreault, T. From the Guerra del Agua to the Guerra del Gas: Resource Governance, Neoliberalism and Popular Protest in Bolivia. Antipode 38: 1: 150 -172. 2006.
  • Postero, N. Indigenous Responses to Neoliberalism. POLAR: Political and Legal Anthropology Review 28: 1: 73 ? 92. 2005.
  • ROEDL, B. Dějiny Peru a Bolívie. Praha: Nakladatelství Lidové noviny, 2007.
  • Solo de Zaldívar, V. From Agrarian Reform to Ethnodevelopment in the Highlands of Ecuador. Journal of Agrarioan Change 8: 4: 583 ? 61. 2008.
  • Weber, J. From Rebelion to Reform in Bolivia: Class Struggle, Indigenous Liberation, and the Politics of EvoMorales.. Chicago: Haymarket Books, 2011.
  • Wilson, F. Violence, Identity and (In) security: Experiencing the Maoist Insurgency in Peru. IDS BULLETIN 40: 2: s. 54 ? 61. 2009.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester
Faculty: Faculty of Arts and Philosophy Study plan (Version): Social Anthropology (2015) Category: Social sciences 2 Recommended year of study:2, Recommended semester: -
Faculty: Faculty of Arts and Philosophy Study plan (Version): Social Anthropology (2013) Category: Social sciences 2 Recommended year of study:2, Recommended semester: Winter