Structure of the course (each topic roughly corresponds to one lecture): Town as a historical phenomenon and a specific social field. Development of urban anthropology: from place for living to symbolism. Town symbolism in the past and in the present. Class division of towns, now centre for everyone. Pre-historic town, ancient town, medieval town. Modern town in Europe, rural exodus and industrialisation. Traditional non-European town and pre-colonial town. Colonial and post-colonial urbanisation and problem of emergency settlements. Modern western cities: their advantages and problems. Socialistic town: suburbs, blocks of flats and "the new man". Town and suburb of today: culture and sub-culture, deviation, folklore. Fight for towns: demonstrations, revitalisation of town centres, minorities, ghetto. Future of the town: megalopolis, ruralisation or implosion?
The objective of the course Urban anthropology is to offer a general overview of the discipline: urban anthropology of North-American industrial cities, northern Europe school, Czech town ethnology, study of towns in developing countries. Students will be also introduced to research into the Czech urban space. The course presents the town mainly as a kind of social space, where specific culture evolves (urban communities, institutions and sub-culture, urban social events and festivities, and finally public space) with its own symbolic value.
This course presents to students the urban phenomenon, which is now the environment of majority of inhabitants of the industrial countries as well as of ever growing number of people in the developing countries. The topics listed bellow roughly correspond to one lecture.
Mega-Urbanization in Asia. IIAS Newsletter.
ALTMAN, K. Krčemné Brno. Brno: Doplněk, 1993.
AOYAGI, K., NAS, P., TRAPHAGAN, J. eds. Toward Sustainable Cities. Leiden: Leiden Development Studies, Institute of Cultural and Social Studies, University of Leiden, 1998.
COHEN, A. Custom and Politics in Urban Africa. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1969.
FOSTER, G. M., KEMPER, R. V., eds. Anthropologists in the Cities. Boston:, 1974.
JEZERNIK, B., ed. Urban Symbolism and Rituals. Ljubljana, pp. 173-189., 1999.
KOLEKTIV. Stará dělnická Praha. Praha: Academia, 1981.
LITTLE, K. African Women in Towns. London: Cambridge University Press, 1973.
MUSIL, J. a kol. Zrození velkoměsta. Praha, 2001.
NAS, P. Jakarta, City Full of Symbols: An Essay in Symbolic Ecology. Sojourn: Social Issues in Southeast Asia Volume 7, 1992.
RAULIN, A. Anthropologie urbaine. Paris: Armand Colin, 2001.
SALNER, P. a kol. Taká bola Bratislava. Bratislava: Veda, 1991.
SIROVÁTKA, O. a kol. Město pod Špilberkem. Brno: Doplněk, 1993.
SJOBER, G. The Preindustrial City. New York: Monthly Review Press, 1960.
SOUTHALL, A., ed. Urban Anthropology. New York: Oxford University Press, 1973.
SOUTHALL, A. The City. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000.
THOMPSON, R. The Winds of Tomorrow. Social Change in a Maya Town. Chicago: University of Chicago, 1974.
UHEREK, Z. Europe from the urban culture perspective. In P.Skalník (ed.), Anthropology of Europe: Teaching and Research. Praha, 2005.