Course content
Introduction to the subject matter - religious beliefs of the Roma and their manifestations in relation to the institutionalised religions and their confessions. Other possible topics. The pre-Christian layer of the Roma religious beliefs, their syncretisation with Catholitism, Orthodoxy, Islam, etc. Rites of passage, particularly christening, marriage, and funeral. The phenomena - mulo, dujevoďengero, trin sveti, etc. Magic practices, divination, healing, demonology, oath. Final summary of the course.
Learning activities and teaching methods
Monologic (reading, lecture, briefing), Dialogic (discussion, interview, brainstorming), Projection
Learning outcomes
This course introduces students to the basic religious culture elements in various Roma sub-ethnical groups and, at the same time, provides a general concept of the Roma religion as a phenomenon that defies definition within ethnical and confessional boundaries.
Having completed this subject, the students will understand better the socio-cultural characteristics of the Roma and their spiritual world.
Assessment methods and criteria
Home assignment evaluation, Student performance assessment
The students must actively participate in the classes, reading the required texts and delivering a paper.
Recommended literature
ANDRŠ, Z. Romský pohřeb In Pohřbívání a hřbitovy. Praha, 2011. ISBN 978-80-7357-680-6.
ANDRŠ, Z. Smrt a pohřeb u Romů na Slovensku In Pantheon 6/2. Pardubice, 2011.
BOTOŠOVÁ, A . Niektoré aspekty duchovného života Rómov In: Janto, J. (ed.) Ethnologia Actualis Slovaca . Trnava: Univerzita sv. Cyrila a Metoda , 2000.
DAVIDOVÁ, E . Lidové náboženství trebišovských Cikánů-Romů koncem padesátých let 20. století, před rozpadem jejich tradiční komunity . Slovenský národopis 36/1, s. 93-103 , 1988.
FERENC, A . Rómsky pohreb vo Vyšnom Mirošove . Etnologické rozpravy 8/2, s. 142-145 , 2001.
HÜBSCHMANNOVÁ, M . Viera v mula u slovenských Rómov. Slovenský národopis 53/2, s. 172-204 , 2005.
KOVÁČ, M. - MANN, A. (eds.). Boh všetko vidí. Bratislava, 2003. ISBN 80-89027-06-7.
Lacková, E. Ľudové liečenie olašských R. vých. Slovenska.
PODOLINSKÁ, T. - HRUSTIČ, T. Boh medzi bariérami. Bratislava, 2010. ISBN 978-80-89027-34-7.
PODOLINSKÁ, T. - HRUSTIČ, T. Vedie nábož. zmena k soc. inklúzii Rómov? in Slovenský národopis 4/59. Bratislava, 2001.
PODOLINSKÁ, T. Chocolate Mary: Roma Christianity in Ethnologia Actualis Slovaca 7. Trnava, 2007.