Course content
Social services network on local level. Principles of community planning of social services. The role of individuals in the social services planning process. Stages of the planning process. Organizational structure of the process, functioning of working groups. Integration of public to the social services network planning. Mid-term planning of social services development. Social policy and quasi-market of social services. Financial resources of social services. Accessibility of social services in urban and rural areas.
Learning activities and teaching methods
Monologic (reading, lecture, briefing), Dialogic (discussion, interview, brainstorming)
Learning outcomes
The aim of the course is to introduce students the practical application of the social policy on the local level, to the planning methods and local social service network development, and to the specifications of social services used in urban and rural areas.
Students will orientate in methodics of social services community planning, they will be able to analyze strategic documents in social sector, to describe social service network and to define problems and barriers in social policy application on the local level.
Assessment methods and criteria
Written examination, Work-related product analysis
Written exam and active participation on seminars.
Recommended literature
HLOUŠEK J. a kol. Plánování sociálních služeb na venkovském území. Hradec Králové: OPS 2008..
Kol. aut. Kritéria kvality plánování sociálních služeb. Praha: MPSV 2007.
Kolektiv aut. Průvodce procesem komunitního plánování sociálních služeb. Praha: MPSV 2005..
MATEROVÁ Jitka. Komunitní plánování sociálních služeb. Praha: Agora Central Europe 2004..
PRŮŠA, L. a kol. Obce, města, regiony a sociální služby. Praha: Socioklub, 1997..
SKŘÍČKOVÁ, Z. a kol. Metodiky pro plánování sociálních služeb. Praha: CpKP 2007, ISBN: 978-80-86902-44-9.
ZATLOUKAL, L. Komunitní plánování sociálních služeb v obcích- střet organizačních kultur? Sociální práce. 2006, č.3, s. 82-94..