Samek Tomáš, Mgr. M.A., Ph.D.
Course content
What is anthropology? Training in library - electronic database. Positivism. Relativism. Post-structuralism. Postmodernism. Ethics, methodology and advocacy. Identity. Multiculturalism. Feminism. Anthropology in central Europe and post-socialist countries. Anthropology in the CR. Globalisation.
Learning activities and teaching methods
Dialogic (discussion, interview, brainstorming), Work with text (with textbook, with book), Methods of individual activities
Learning outcomes
The objective of the course is to map current anthropology and its position among social sciences. The concept of positivism, objectivism, relativism, postmodernism, post-structuralism, methodology of the discipline, ethics and anthropology as advocacy will be focused on. Students will broaden their knowledge of the discipline by reading texts from the leading academic world magazines.
In the practical part of the course the students will learn how to apply the advanced methods and techniques of anthropological (and/or as a supplement of sociological) research.
Assessment methods and criteria
Home assignment evaluation, Student performance assessment
Attendance at the seminars is compulsory - max 3 absences. Presentation. Written task - based on the anthropological magazines.
Recommended literature
American Anthropologist.
American Ethnologist.
Antropology Today.
Current Antropology.
Četba odborných textů z důležitých antropologických (a sociologických) odborných periodik:.
Další rozpis bude upřesněn na jednotlivých seminářích.
Etnologický časopis/Český lid.
Sociologický časopis, Ethnohistory.
FAY, B. Současná filosofie sociálních věd: Multikulturní přístup. Praha: Sociologické nakladatelství, 2002.
HAUER, T. Skrze postmoderní teorie. Praha: Karolinum, 2002.
LOZOVIUK, P. Evropská etnologie ve středoevropské perspektivě. Pardubice: Univerzita Pardubice, 2005.