Jetmarová Jana, PhDr. Ph.D.
Course content
"Objective reality" as a cultural construct. Cognitive systems of the tradicional societies, native conception of the world. Cognitive process and cultural conditionality. Techniques of reaching altered states of counsciousness, hallucinogens, shamanism. Altered states of counsciousness and native arts. Native arts and fractal mathematics. Easter mysticism, hinduism, buddhism. LSD, transpersonal psychology, the synchronicity. Psychospiritual crisis as a new psychiatrical diagnosis of westen medicine. Deep ecology, systems theory, hypothesis Gaia. Contemporary paradigm of the relation between the mind and the matter, quantum physics, the principle of indeterminateness.
Learning activities and teaching methods
Monologic (reading, lecture, briefing), Dialogic (discussion, interview, brainstorming), Work with text (with textbook, with book)
Learning outcomes
The objective of the course is to present different possibilities of view of the relation between the mind and the matter from the cross-cultural historical and contemporary perspective. The course will aspire to an interdisciplinary view overreaching field of cultural anthropology-etnoscience-deep and transpersonal psychology-systems theory-deep ecology-religionistics-quantum physics, it will focus on cross-cultural comparison of cognitive systems of "traditional" societies, eastern and western mysticism and conclusions of contemporary relativistic and quantum physics.
Students will acquire the basic overview of the problematics, they will be able of its cross-cultural comparison.
Assessment methods and criteria
Oral examination, Home assignment evaluation, Student performance assessment
Active participation at the lectures (max. 2 absences), written essay on a chosen topic, written exam.
Recommended literature
BATESON, G. Mysl a příroda - nezbytná jednota. Praha: Malvern, 2006.
CAPRA, F. Tao fyziky. Praha: DharmaGaia, 2004.
CAPRA, F. Tkáň života. Praha: Academia, 2004.
ELIADE, M. Šamanismus a nejstarší techniky extáze. Praha: Argo, 2004.
GROF, S. Psychologie budoucnosti. Praha: Argo, 2007.
HEY, T., WALTERS, P. Nový kvantový vesmír. Praha: Argo/Dokořán, 2005.
ZELENÝ, M. Malá encyklopedie šamanismu. Praha: Libri, 2007.