Nachtigall Petr, doc. Ing. Ph.D.
Molková Tatiana, prof. Ing. Ph.D.
Course content
Contractual conditions - passenger transport. Contractual conditions - cargo transport. Operation problems of trolleybus service. Operation problems of tram service. Special lines in the Czech Republic. Special lines in chosen foreign states. Unconventional transport systems. Emergency events in rail transport and their solutions. Closure to traffic activities and impact of the closure. Excursion. Spare time, subject summary.
Learning activities and teaching methods
Monologic (reading, lecture, briefing)
Learning outcomes
The aim of the subject is to offer further information about rail transport operation - mainly form technical and technological area.
After passing the subject, the student has a wide range of knowledge from railway transport and railway traffic range.
Assessment methods and criteria
Written examination
The credit confirms that the student has attended the lessons in certain frequency and that has fulfilled all requirements. The conditions of credit awarding depend on the teacher. The examination (form, content, length) is given by "Study and Examination Order".
Recommended literature
Předpis ČD D1 Předpis pro používání návěstí při organizování a provozování drážní dopravy.
Různé. Vyhl. MDS č. 173/1995 Sb. Dopravní řád drah, ve znění pozdějších změn.
Soušek, J., Stehlík, M. Zákon o dráhách a železniční legislativa Evropských společenství. Olomouc, 2005. ISBN 80-7263-293-0.