Ehlová Marcela, PhDr. Ph.D.
Course content
The historical development of ethopedy. The system of ethopedical care in the Czech Republic and abroad. Ethopedical devices. Ethopedical diagnosis and intervention.
Learning activities and teaching methods
Monologic (reading, lecture, briefing), Dialogic (discussion, interview, brainstorming), Methods of individual activities
Learning outcomes
The objective of the course is to introduce the students to the content of ethopedy. The course builds on the knowledge that students gained in the course of special pedagogy. The students will be acquainted with the historical development of ethopedy, with the system of ethopedical care in the Czech Republic and abroad and with ethopedical devices. The students will be able to diagnose behavioral disorder and to arrange a complex ethopedic diagnosis and intervention. The course will enable the student to learn to intervene as well.
The students will enhance their knowledge in the field of Ethopedy with regard to the students´ specialization.
Assessment methods and criteria
Written examination, Presentation
Before entering the course the students are supposed to have passed the course SPPG. Attendance at least 80%. Self-study of the obligatory and recommended sources.
Recommended literature
Mezinárodní klasifikace nemocí10. revize - poruchy chování.
Zákon č. 218/2003 Sb., o soudnictví ve věcech mládeže.
MATOUŠEK, O., KROFTOVÁ, A. Mládež a delikvence. Praha: Portál, 2003.
STANKOWSKI, A. Etopedie ? úvod do resocializační pedagogiky. . Ostrava: OU, 2003.
ŠKOVIERA, A. Prevýchova. Úvod do teorie a praxe.. Bratislava, 2011. ISBN 978-80-969-2534-6.
VÁGNEROVÁ, M. Psychologie problémového dítěte školního věku. 1. vyd. . Praha: Karolinum, 1997.
Vojtová, V. Kapitoly etopedie I.Přístupy k poruchám emocí a chování v současnosti. Brno: MU, 2004.