Škoviera Albín, doc. PhDr. Ph.D.
Course content
The theory of the origin of deviation in behavior. Asocial and antisocial behavior. The minority groups in the Czech Republic. The process of marginalization. Danger factors that lead to the social exclusion. The system of primary, secondary and tertiary prevention. The possibilities of integration and inclusion. The system of care of socially segregated individuals and those who are on the verge of being segregated.
Learning activities and teaching methods
Monologic (reading, lecture, briefing), Methods of individual activities
Learning outcomes
The objective of the course is to introduce the students to the situation of minority groups and to the situation of marginalized groups in the Czech Republic. The course is based on the knowledge gained during the previous study, especially in the course of social deviation. The attention will be drawn to the relation between the specific position of marginalized groups and the formation of social deviations.
The students will enhance their knowledge in the field of Marginal Groups and Deviation in Behavior with regard to the students´ specialization.
Assessment methods and criteria
Written examination
Before entering the course the students are required to have passed the course SOVY. Attendance at least 80%. Self-study of the obligatory and recommended sources.
Recommended literature
Jedlička, R.; Koťa, J. Analýza a prevence sociálně patologických jevů u dětí a mládeže. . Praha: Karolinum, 1998.
KREJČÍŘOVÁ, O. a kol. Deviace a sociální patologie. . Olomouc: UP, 2007.
MÜHLPACHR, P. Problémy současné společnosti.. Brno, IMS, 2004.
MÜHLPACHR, P. Sociální patologie. . Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2001.
Munková, G. Sociální deviace. Přehled sociologických teorií. . Praha: Karolinum, 2001.
ŠIŠKOVÁ, T. (ed.). Výchova k toleranci a proti rasismu. Praha: Portál, 1998.