Ehlová Marcela, PhDr. Ph.D.
Course content
The introduction to the study of a subject, basic literature, methodology. The system of administration and management. The development of administration and management of education in the Czech Republic and Central Europe. Models of administration and management both in our country and abroad. Educational politics and the persons involved. The economy of education and financial management. The legal framework of education. The development of legislation and its main trends. Supervisory, evaluating, and diagnostic system. The problems of inspection. Quality and its evaluation. Counseling; support systems. European educational politics. School management. Effective TQM and the personal work of a headmaster/headmistress in a school. The development of a school; planning; fundraising. Free topic according to students' interests.
Learning activities and teaching methods
Monologic (reading, lecture, briefing), Dialogic (discussion, interview, brainstorming)
Learning outcomes
The objective of this course is to introduce to students the basic problems of the management of school system in the Czech Republic and in the world, both in the past and in present days.
Students will be able to understand the problem, to analyze the features and connections, to evaluate and classify new information into the structure of the whole system - while also taking into account strategic trends and perspectives. Emphasis is given to the management of regional education and its administrative and organizational problems.
Assessment methods and criteria
Home assignment evaluation
Credit is based on an individual paper - a translation, an essay, a speculation, a research. Attendance of lessons is required.
Recommended literature
Národní program rozvoje vzdělávání v České republice.. Bílá kniha. Praha, MŠMT, 2001.
Zákony platné v oblasti školství.. 1995.
BACÍK,F.; KALOUS,J.; SVOBODA,J. Úvod do teorie a praxe školského managementu. I.-II. díl.. Praha, Karolinum, 1995.
GOLD, A. Řízení současné školy. Žďár nad Sázavou, Fakta, 1998.
PRÁŠILOVÁ, M. Školský management. Olomouc: UP, 2010. ISBN 978-80-244-2574-0.
RÝDL, K. Cesta k autonomní škole. Praha, STROM, 1996.
RÝDL, K. Hodnotíme svoji školu.. Praha, FFUK, 1999.
RÝDL, K. K evropské vzdělávací politice.. Hradec Králové, 1997.
ŠIMKOVÁ, E. Management a marketing v praxi neziskových organizací. Hradec Králové: Gaudeamus, 2012. ISBN 978-80-7435-230-0.