Course content
Determinative of the development of the human being; developmental models; the factors of psychic development. Developmental division into periods. Methods of developmental psychology. Prenatal, perinatal, and postnatal periods. Newborns. Infancy. Toddlers. Pre-school age children. A child's entrance to school. Early school age children. Teenagers. Adolescence. Adulthood. Old age. Gerontopsychology. A global view on the ontogenesis of the human psyche.
Learning activities and teaching methods
Monologic (reading, lecture, briefing)
Learning outcomes
The objective of this course is to view the lifelong development of the human being and the ontogenesis of the human psyche.
The students will understand the psychic development of the human being from the prenatal period to late old age.
Assessment methods and criteria
Written examination, Home assignment evaluation, Self project defence
To gain credit, students should attend the seminar (at least 80%), study the compulsory and recommended literature, and submit an individual work.
Recommended literature
LANGMEIER, J. Vývojová psychologie pro dětské lékaře.. Avicenum, 1983.
Langmeier, Josef. Vývojová psychologie. Praha: Grada, 2006. ISBN 80-247-1284-9.
MATĚJČEK, Z. Rodiče a děti.. Praha: Avicenum, 1989.
PŘÍHODA, V. Ontogeneze lidské psychiky.. Praha: SPN, 1974.
ŘÍČAN, P. Cesta životem.. Praha: Portál, 2004.
ŘÍČAN, P. Cesta životem.. Praha: Portál, 2004.
ŠVANCARA, J. Diagnostika psychického vývoje.. Praha: Avicenum, 1980.
VÁGNEROVÁ, M. Vývojová psychologie.. Praha: Portál, 2000.