Ďatko Ilona, PhDr. Mgr. Ph.D.
Křišťálová Jana, PhDr.
Course content
The subject of social psychology; its relationship to other disciplines. Methods of social psychology. Individuality in a social context. Social learning; the socialization of an individual. Social interaction - perception, communication, behaviour. Social groups - small social groups. The situation of a burden.
Learning activities and teaching methods
Monologic (reading, lecture, briefing), Work with text (with textbook, with book)
Learning outcomes
The objective of this course is to introduce to students of humanities the basic psychological terms and phenomena.
The students will gain basic information about social psychology and its relationship to other social sciences, about creating social psychology in relationship to general psychology and sociology, and basic themes in relation to the individual and society.
Assessment methods and criteria
Oral examination, Written examination, Presentation
Credit will be based on attendance, a written test, self-study based on compulsory and recommended literature, and on an examination.
Recommended literature
další doporučená literatura bude doplňována průběžně, vždy ke každému tematickému celku.
HAYESOVÁ, N. Základy sociální psychologie.. Praha: Portál, 1998.
CHROMÝ, K. Sociologie duševních poruch. Praha: IlF, 1984.
MATOUŠEK, O. Práce s rizikovou mládeží.. Praha: Portál, 1996.
NAKONEČNÝ, M. Motivace lidského chování.. Praha: Academia, 1996.
NEKONEČNÝ, M. Sociální psychologie.. Praha: Academia, 1999.
PRŮCHA, J. Přehled psychologie.. Portál: Praha, 2000.
ŘEZÁČ, J. Sociální psychologie.. Brno: Paido, 1998.
VÝROST, J.; SLAMĚNÍK, J. Sociální psychologie - Sociálna psychológia.. Praha: IS,V, 1997.