Stoklasová Hana, Mgr. Ph.D.
Jiránek Tomáš, doc. PhDr. Ph.D.
Course content
Pronunciation, stress, grammatical terms. I. declination, Latin and Greek substantives, prepositions. II. declination, Latin and Greek substantives. Adjectives of I. and II. declination. III. declination, Latin and Greek substantives. Adjectives of III. declination. IV. declination. V. declination. Gradation of adjectives. Irregular and incomplete gradation of adjectives. Latin verbs - general information. Numerals. Word derivation using prefixes and suffixes, compounds.
Learning activities and teaching methods
Monologic (reading, lecture, briefing), Dialogic (discussion, interview, brainstorming), Work with text (with textbook, with book), Projection
Learning outcomes
The aim of the course is to provide the students of chemical-biological fields of study with a minimum in grammar and with essential terminology. Grammar is focused on, particularly grammatical rules connected to substantives, adjectives, verbs, and numerals. The considered vocabulary covers essential terms connected to the parts of the human body and to special medical expressions. Based on this knowledge, student should be able to understand and formulate medical and laboratorial reports.
Students should acquire grammar rules relevant to nouns, adjectives, verbs, numerals. They should gain basic terms concerning human body, technical medical terms, they should understand and formulate medical and laboratory statements with using Greek-Latin terminology.
Assessment methods and criteria
Written examination, Systematic monitoring
Credit is dependent on participation in lessons and on achieving the appropriate evaluation level on a written examination.
Recommended literature
Dylevský, Ivan. Základy anatomie. Praha: Triton, 2006. ISBN 80-7254-886-7.
KÁBRT, J. Jazyk latinský II.. Praha, 1994.
KÁBRT, J. Jazyk latinský I.. Praha, 1993.
KÁBRT, J. Latinsko-český slovník.. Praha, 1991.
KÁBRT, J. Lexicon medicum.. Praha, 1995.
KÁBRT, J.; VALACH, S. Stručný lékařský slovník.. Praha, 1979.
Kachlík, David. České tělovědné názvosloví : [návrh české anatomické nomenklatury podle poslední revize mezinárodně platné latinské anatomické nomenklatury]. Brno: D. Kachlík, 2010. ISBN 978-80-254-5684-2.
SEINEROVÁ, V. Úvod do latinské terminologie.. Pardubice, 2002.
Vedral, Jiří. Latinsko-český chemický slovník. Praha: VJV, 2010. ISBN 978-80-87345-56-6.