Siglová Tereza, Mgr. Ph.D.
Course content
Introduction. Outline of basic terminology. List of literature. Field development - historical outline. Field development - stress on Czech conditions. Diplomacy and its division - papal, imperial, and general diplomacy - its relationship to the Czech environment. Czech diplomacy in individual eras - the Middle Ages. Czech diplomacy in individual eras - the Modern times. Editing acts.
Learning activities and teaching methods
Monologic (reading, lecture, briefing), Work with text (with textbook, with book), Skills training
Learning outcomes
The aim of this course is to introduce documents of an official nature, and students will evaluate the inner and outer aspect of these. The center of study is not only the classification of documents, but also the institutions that produce these documents, i.e. various offices.
Students will be able to evaluate a document critically as a source and they will be able to perceive a document regarding the time of its creation, including provenance specifics.
Assessment methods and criteria
Oral examination, Home assignment evaluation
Credit is based upon 80 participation during lessons; the presentation of a short paper; and an examination that will consist of two parts. The written part is based on a knowledge of terms. The oral examination requires the student to demonstrate a theoretical knowledge of the subject matter.
Recommended literature
HLAVÁČEK, I.; KAŠPAR, J.; NOVÝ, R. Vademecum pomocných věd historických.. Praha + další vydání, 1988.
STLOUKAL, K. Česká kancelář dvorská 1599-1608.. Praha, 1931.
ŠEBÁNEK, J.; FIALA, Z.; HLEDÍKOVÁ, Z. Česká diplomatika do roku 1848.. Praha , 2. vydání (skriptum), 1984.
ŠMILAUEROVÁ, E. Správní vývoj a diplomatika písemností okresních národních výborů v letech 1945-1960.. Praha : SAP, 32, s. 43-169., 1982.
ŠOUSA, J. Zemědělská rada, její kancelář a proces vzniku jejích písemností 1873-1890, Z pomocných věd historických 4.. Praha: AUC, 1980.
VOJTÍŠEK, V. O vývoji methody diplomatické a jejích potřebách.. Praha : SH, 2, s. 5-38, 1954.