Course: Popular Literature Genres

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Course title Popular Literature Genres
Course code UHV/ZPLI
Organizational form of instruction Lecture
Level of course Master
Year of study 1
Semester Winter
Number of ECTS credits 4
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course Compulsory
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements This is not an internship
Recommended optional programme components None
  • Kudláč Antonín, PhDr. Ph.D.
Course content
Mass culture as a product of social modernization Basic popular literature terminology Popular literature as an object of literary science research Popular and aristic literature relationship Popular literature in the context of European literary culture Popular literature genre system and its changes

Learning activities and teaching methods
Monologic (reading, lecture, briefing), Work with text (with textbook, with book)
Learning outcomes
Main task of the subject is the presentation of popular literature as a substantial subsystem of world literature, with all its characteristic features. After the terminologic definition students will be provided with the history, diferentiation and reception/ rejection of popular literature in the ranks of modern European culture since the 18th century Enlightment up to nowadays. The above mentioned subsystem will be defined in the context of basic theoretical literary paradigmas (hierarchic vs. polycentric), including postmodern disappearing of the barriers between so called ?elite? and ?popular? culture. The cours will not omit either economic or social and psychological aspects of popular reading. The core of the course will cover the introduction into genologic system of popular literature, first of all those genre forms that are in progress nowadays. Apart form survey of their historic evolution, there will be mentiond also the central books and writers representing the peak quality of this kind of literary work.
Students will be provided with detailed information about this important part of popular culture and thus will be enabled to use it in specialized practice, possibly in their own scientific research.

Assessment methods and criteria
Student performance assessment, Work-related product analysis

Standard credit condition is acceptable active attendance, there will be 3 lessons of absence tolerated, maximally. Participan of the course is obliged to read at least 3 books from the below mentioned literature list.
Recommended literature
  • Dědinová, T. Po divné krajině. Charakteristika a vnitřní členění fantastické literatury. Brno, 2015.
  • Eco,U. Skeptikové a těšitelé.. Praha, 1995.
  • Hrabák,J. Napínavá četba pod lupou. Ze studií o paraliteratuře.. Praha, 1986.
  • Janáček,P. Literární brak. Operace vyloučení, operace nahrazení, 1938-1951.. Brno, 2004.
  • Kudláč,A.K.K. Literatura přes palubu. Červený Kostelec, 2010.
  • Liba,P. Kontexty populárnej literatúry.. Bratislava, 1981.
  • MOCNÁ, D. - PETERKA, J. a kol. Encyklopedie literárních žánrů. Praha, 2004.
  • Sirovátka,O. Literatura na okraji. Praha, 1990.
  • Šidák, P. Úvod do studia genologie. Teorie literárního žánru a žánrová krajina. Praha, 2013.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester
Faculty: Faculty of Arts and Philosophy Study plan (Version): Cultural History (2013) Category: History courses 1 Recommended year of study:1, Recommended semester: Winter