Duplinský Josef, PhDr. CSc.
Course content
Society and its approach to socially different groups and individuals in the history - religious and racial toleration, attitudes to physically and mentally different individuals and groups. Ideological and legislative discrimination in relation to diverse minority groups, hidden discrimination. Concept of socio-cultural handicap, Mill's theory, economic and social factors. Socio-cultural handicap as a results of cultural deprivation. Socio-cultural handicap as a result of social and cultural conflict. Socio-cultural handicap and its social solution - institution failure, positive discrimination, searching for new solutions. Close psychological terms - positions, prejudices and its alternation, group and altruistic behaviour. Psychological, social and economic contexts in the behaviour of minority groups - stigmatization, similarity etc. Problem of physically, sense and mentally handicapped people - specific features and characteristics -institutions attitudes. Ethnic minorities - Romany problem, emigrants from other countries - social work, attitudes the state administration officers. Unemployment - growing social problem, changes in behaviour and experience of unemployed, family and social situation, legislative, social and psychological approach. Breaking of legal norms - criminality, youth, toximania. Moral and psychological aspects in the activity of public administration officers.
Learning activities and teaching methods
Monologic (reading, lecture, briefing), Dialogic (discussion, interview, brainstorming), Work with text (with textbook, with book)
Learning outcomes
The aim of the course is to acquaint the knowledge of the problems and approaches in different social minorities and social groups often exceeding standard limits and causing wide range of social problems.
Students acquire basic knowledge of the lifestyle and behaviour of different minority groups and possibilities of adequate approach to these groups.
Assessment methods and criteria
Home assignment evaluation, Student performance assessment, Discussion
Assignment granting is conditioned by completion of a given task.
Recommended literature
FISCHER, S., ŠKODA, J. Sociální patologie, Praha, Grada, 2009.
KOMENDA., A. Sociální deviace. Olomouc: UP, 1999..
KOUDELKOVÁ, A. Psychologické otázky delikvence. Praha: 1995..
MÜHLPACHR, P. Sociální patologie. Brno, 2001.
NEŠPOR, K. , MARHOUNOVÁ,V. Alkoholici, feťáci, gambleři. Praha, 1995..
ONDREJKOVIČ, P. aj. Sociálna patologia. Bratislava: VEDA, 2000..
VÁGNEROVÁ, M. A KOL. Psychologie handicapu. Praha: Karolinum,2000..
VÁGNEROVÁ, M. Psychopatologie pro pomáhající profese. Praha: Portál, 2000..
1995 NEŠPOR, K. Léčba a prevence závislostí. Praha: Psychiatrické centrum, 1996..