Course content
History of sustainability, the Club of Rome Pillars of sustainable development, the basic principles of sustainability Agenda 21, Local Agenda 21 Energy source on Earth, renewable energy Energy mix and policy, security and energy policy Landscape, territory under protection Sustainable agriculture Earth Day Sustainable forestry Governance for sustainable development EIA, SEA
Learning activities and teaching methods
Monologic (reading, lecture, briefing), Work with text (with textbook, with book), Methods of individual activities
Learning outcomes
The aim of the course is to introduce the sustainable development idea to the student. There are also mentioned possibilities of the implementation of the idea into the every day paxis of the public service and privat sectors.
Students will be able to structure and assess the most basic and some advanced problems, which can they in the public administration and the private sector in relation to the application of sustainable development principles meet.
Assessment methods and criteria
Written examination, Home assignment evaluation, Student performance assessment
Active participation in seminars, submission of seminar papers on actual topics in the range of ca. 5 pages.
Recommended literature
Moldan B. Ekologická dimenze udržitelného rozvoje. Karolinum, Praha 2001.
Brožek,F., Urban,R.,Zemánek,Z. Recyklace. Moravia Tisk, Vyškov 2003.
Dirner,V. a kol. Ochrana životního prostředí. Praha: MŽP,TU VŠB,1997.
HERČÍK, M. 111 otázek a odpovědí o životním prostředí. Ostrava: Montanex, 2004..
Kramer,M., Urbaniec, M ., Rietschelová,I. Mezinárodní management životního prostředí II.,Praha C.H.Beck, 2005.
Kramer,M.,Urbaniec,M.,Obršálová,I. a kol. Mezinárodní management životního prostředí. Svazek I. Interdisciplinární rámcové podmínky environmentálně orientovaného podniku. Beckova Edice Ekonomie Beck Praha 2005,.
Kříž a kol. Udržitelný rozvoj a veřejná správa. Žilina 2013.. ISBN 978-80-8154-047-9.