Course: Hydraulics and Hydrology

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Course title Hydraulics and Hydrology
Course code KDS/PHHYK
Organizational form of instruction Lecture
Level of course Bachelor
Year of study 2
Semester Summer
Number of ECTS credits 5
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course Compulsory
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements This is not an internship
Recommended optional programme components None
  • Vlasák Pavel, prof. Ing. DrSc.
Course content
Introduction to problems of fluid mechanics, basic quantities and units, properties of fluid, Hydrostatics, Euler hydrostatic equation, Pascal law, hydrostatic pressure and force, floating and stabilita of floating body, relative equilibrium. Kinematics of fluid, velocity vector, trajectory and streamline, continuity equation. Hydrodynamics, Euler equation of motion, Bernoulli equation, Chezy equation, momentum equation. Force exerted by a water flow and water jet. Flow in open channels, hydraulic calculation and design of channel, subcritical, critical and supercritical flow. Close conduits with open level flow, velocity profile in open channels. Pipeline flow, laminar and turbulent flow, head loss by friction and singularities. Applied hydraulics, overflows, weirs, culverts and bridges, hydraulic jump, orifice discharge. Suspensions and non-Newtonian liquids, sedimentation. Non-steady-flow and water-hammer. Hydrology, geosphere, hydrologic cycle, water balance equations, infiltration and evaporation. Watershed and its characteristics, precipitation, rainfall-run off relations and run off from watershed, sediment transport. Ground-water flow, water-management structures.

Learning activities and teaching methods
Monologic (reading, lecture, briefing)
Learning outcomes
Students will acquire with basic principles of hydrostatics, hydrodynamics, flow of water in open channels and pipelines, ground-water flow and engineering hydrology.
The course deals with the basic theory and methods of the hydrostatics, hydrodynamics and engineering hydrology. Student will get acquainted with pressure and forces acting in fluids, body floating, with volume, external, inertial and viscous forces in flowing fluid and on bodies. With water flow in pipes, open channels and over hydraulic structures, with principles of ground-water flow and water structures. Further, water circulation in nature, precipitation, evaporation and infiltration, catchment and its characteristics, rain fall-run off relationships, sediment transport and water outlet from watershed.
Examines of Mathematics and Physics on the level of the courses passed.

Assessment methods and criteria
Oral examination, Written examination

Attendance at seminars is compulsory. Students are to pass test during a term. In a case of absence (in justified cases) students are given an extra test. Form and content of examination are determined in educational and examinational regulations UPce.
Recommended literature
  • Bém J. Vodohospodářské inženýrství. ČVUT Praha, 1990.
  • Broža V. et. al. Vodohospodářské stavby. ČVUT, 1997.
  • Featherstone R.E., Nalluri C. Civil Engineering Hydraulics - Essential Theory with Worked Examples. 1995.
  • Havlík V., Marešová I. Hydraulika I a II - příklady. ČVUT - skripta, 1994.
  • Hrádek F. Základy hydrauliky a hydrologie pro inženýrské konstrukce a dopravní stavby.. SNTL Praha, 1971.
  • Kolář V., Patočka C., Bém J. Hydraulika. SNTL Alfa., 1983.
  • Kolář V., Patočka C. Hydraulika. SNTL Alfa., 1983.
  • Masiar E., Kamenský J. Hydraulika pre stavebných inženierov I, II. ALFA, Bratislava, 1989.
  • Patočka C. Hydraulika I a II - skripta. ČVUT, 1979.
  • Streeter V.L., Willie E.B. Fluid mechanics. McGraw-Hill Bok Company, 1979.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester
Faculty: Faculty of Transport Engineering Study plan (Version): Transport Structures (2013) Category: Construction industry, geodesy and cartography 2 Recommended year of study:2, Recommended semester: Summer
Faculty: Faculty of Transport Engineering Study plan (Version): Transport Structures (2014) Category: Construction industry, geodesy and cartography 2 Recommended year of study:2, Recommended semester: Summer
Faculty: Faculty of Transport Engineering Study plan (Version): Transport Structures (2016) Category: Construction industry, geodesy and cartography 2 Recommended year of study:2, Recommended semester: Summer