Course content
The importance and content of business informatics. The main principles of BI. Strategy information management. Information and management decision process. Information systems and its applications. Modeling, simulation, optimalization of business processes - examples of ARIS platform tools. ERP and BI systems - Enterprise Resources Planning and Business Intelligence Systems. e-business and e-commerce, m-commerce. CRM systems - Customer Relationship Management. ECM (CMS) Systems - Enterprise Content Management (Content Management system). EAI - Enterprise Application Integration, web services and web portal. IT management. Protection and security, company security policy.
Learning activities and teaching methods
Dialogic (discussion, interview, brainstorming), Demonstration, Skills training
Learning outcomes
The aim of the course is to acquaint the students with theoretical grounding of business informatics - a discipline combining information technology (IT) with management concepts. The course content is an overview of the most used information and communication technologies in company management. The course focuses on basic ICT terms, principles, development as well as the current issues within the whole company information and communication infrastructure.
Students acquire the most important knowledge of usage of information and communication technologies within business, practice skills of process management in ARIS platform and practice skills of Enterprise Application Integration.
Student should know ICT technologies that are used within information and communication infrastructures of companies and have a basic knowledge of management.
Assessment methods and criteria
Written examination, Home assignment evaluation
The credit is granted upon attendance at seminars and completion of the seminar tasks. The examination is written and oral (the final discussion about dedicated issue). The final credit is calculated on the results of seminar tasks, written test and oral discussion.
Recommended literature
BASL, J. Podnikové informační systémy, ISBN 80-2470-214-2. 1. vyd. Praha: Grada, 2002. ISBN 80-2470-214-2.
DOHNAL, J. Řízení vztahů se zákazníky - Procesy, pracovníci, technologie, ISBN 80-247-0401-3. Praha: Grada, 2002. ISBN 80-247-0401-3.
Gála, L., Pour, J., Toman, P. Podniková informatika. null. Grada, 2006. ISBN null.
Pour, J. a kol. Informační systémy a elektronické podnikání. VŠE, 2004.
Řepa, V. Podnikové procesy. Grada, 2006.
Sodomka, P. Informační systémy v podnikové praxi. Praha: Computer press, 2006.