Jindra Samuel, PharmDr.
Jelínková Linda, Mgr.
Course content
Health and disease from the holistic point of view. Philosophical context. Ethical context. Professional approach of helping professions. Concept of dignity. Spiritual context and sources in helping professions. Respecting rights and dignity of clients in selected health care facility. Interpersonal skills of a nursing specialist, factors influencing the quality of life. Approximate diagnosis of a client's personality using the method of observation and interview. Ethical issues in nursing patients with oncological diseases. Interpersonal skills regarding patient and social environment. Communication pitfalls in nurse's behaviour. Practical use of psychotherapeutic methods.
Learning activities and teaching methods
Monologic (reading, lecture, briefing), Dialogic (discussion, interview, brainstorming), Work with text (with textbook, with book), Stimulating activities (simulation, games, drama)
Learning outcomes
The aim of the subject is to acquaint students with ethical and philosophical questions associated with specialized nursing care, the concept of quality of life, and the issue of the helping professions.
Students are able to use the acquired knowledge and skills and are able to communicate with clients belonging to various personality types.
Assessment methods and criteria
Home assignment evaluation, Student performance assessment, Didactic test
Completion of compulsory 80% attendance at the practicum sessions and seminars. Completing assigned written work. Successful completion of a written test.
Recommended literature
BAŠTECKÁ, B.; GOLDMAN, P. Základy klinické psychologie. Praha: Portál, 2001.
HAŠKOVCOVÁ, H. Thanatologie - Nauka o umírání a smrti. Praha: Galén, 2000.
KOPŔIVA, K. Lidský vztah jako součást profese. Praha: Portál, 2013.
KŘIVOHLAVÝ, J. Psychologie moudrosti a dobrého života. Paha: Grada, 2009.
KŘIVOHLAVÝ, J. Psychologie zdraví. Praha: Portál, 2001.
MUNZAROVÁ, M. Eutanazie nebo paliativní léčba. Praha: Grada, 2005.
MUNZAROVÁ, M. Zdravotnická etika od A do Z. Praha: Grada, 2005.
OPATRNÁ, M. Etické problémy v onkologii. Praha: Mladá fronta, 2008.
VOJTÍŠEK, Z. et al. Spiritualita v pomáhajících profesích. Praha: Portál, 2012.
WEIS, P.et al. Etické otázky v psychologii. Vybrané kapitoly. Praha: Portál, 2011.