These websites are part of the ECTS information catalogue. They contain a basic description of study programmes and study branches offered at university including standard study plans. Descriptions of particular courses are also included.

For better user orientation and convenience we have provided a variety of ways to choose from while searching for information about study programmes and branches or when selecting courses. It is possible to search for information about programmes and courses either by using the given paths (see below) or it is possible to search by selecting attributes (see right).

Rows of the tables may be sorted by columns by clicking icons  in the header. In case the icon of a bubble is shown, hovering the mouse over it will show details.

Plans search Plans search
Course search Course search
Arranged by faculties, branches of study and study plans, including corresponding courses
Faculty - full name
Faculty of Transport Engineering
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics
Faculty of Economics and Administration
Faculty of Arts and Philosophy
Faculty of Chemical Technology
Faculty of Restoration
Faculty of Health Studies
Arranged by branches of study and study plans, including corresponding courses
Education branch name
Informatics courses
Electrical engineering, telecommunication and IT
Philological sciences
Engineering chemistry and chemistry of silicates
Food industry and food industry chemistry
Special and interdisciplinary fields
Art and applied art
Health service
Philosophy, theology
Chemistry courses
Printing, working with paper, film and photography
Social sciences
Construction industry, geodesy and cartography
Transportation and communications
History courses
Ecology and environmental protection
Pedagogy, teacher training and social care
Arranged by branches of study and course list
Education branch name
Physics courses
Mining and mining geology, metallurgy and foundry industry
Law, legal and public administration proceeding
General professional training
Mathematics courses
Informatics courses
Electrical engineering, telecommunication and IT
Philological sciences
Psychology courses
Engineering chemistry and chemistry of silicates
Food industry and food industry chemistry
Special and interdisciplinary fields
Art and applied art
Agriculture and forestry
Business in areas and branches
Health service
Philosophy, theology
Physical education and sport
Chemistry courses
Textile production and clothing industry
Printing, working with paper, film and photography
Pharmaceutical sciences
Social sciences
Journalism, library science and informatics
Biology courses
Construction industry, geodesy and cartography
Transportation and communications
Medical sciences
Economics and administration
History courses
General preparation
Theory and history of arts
Geology courses
Geography courses
Ecology and environmental protection
Mechanical engineering and mechanical production
Wood working and musical instrument production
Veterinary medicine and veterinary prevention
Pedagogy, teacher training and social care
Arranged by faculties, departments and courses
Faculty - full name
Faculty of Transport Engineering
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics
Faculty of Economics and Administration
Faculty of Arts and Philosophy
Faculty of Chemical Technology
Faculty of Restoration
Faculty of Health Studies
University of Pardubice