Key learning outcomes
The objective of this specialisation is to prepare independent and fully qualified specialists mainly for state administration, non-profit sector and specialised companies who will be able to analyse current situation critically, to offer problem solutions, realise complex projects and apply theoretical knowledge related to current problems of the ethnical minorities and conflicts in the Czech Republic and elsewhere in the world. Graduates will have been equipped with theoretical knowledge as well as practical skills from the area of anthropology, sociology, Roma studies, basics of law and economy, methods of research and field work. They will be able to coordinate work in the area of community and social service, propose projects solving problematic coexistence of minority groups on local basis. Graduates will have been trained for counselling work in state administration for issues of migration, asylum, and multiculturalism. They may also work in the media, participate research projects (e.g. in the non-profit sector, in marketing, media, etc.) and be a member of junior management in companies. Knowledge acquired during the master study programme is a prerequisite for further PhD study programmes of the same or of related disciplines.